Chapter 12: An Outing

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Later that day, America, Japan, and South Korea head to a local cafe. Japan suggested it and SK and America agreed to go. This cafe was known all around town for its amazing coffee and tea selection aswell as legendary pastries. Apparently their Tiramisu couldn't be beat.

After they all met up at the cafe, named International Cafe. They theb go to the counter and order food. They all try the tiramisu, while America is the only one to get dark roast coffee. They waited at their table for the food.

J: Hey, Ame?

USA: Huh? Oh yeah! What?

J: I don't think China likes you that much.

SK: Yeah, neither does my brother.

USA: I noticed that China didn't like me, but I didn't notice that North Korea didn't like me. He seemed really passive aggressive but also nervous.

SK: That's just his way of making you lower your guard.

USA: Ah...Ok.

Their orders were then delivered to their table. As they are and drank, they chatted some more. Japan seemed a little to pushy however.

Meanwhile at the American household, some states heard what sounded like a small country scurry around in the vental system. The other states said that they were being paranoid and if they heard it again, to use their powers. Weirdly, the noises stopped after this.

(AN: Sorry I haven't been posting recently, I have schoolwork, procrastination, and a global epidemic to deal with :/ I'll try to post more often)

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