Chapter 15: Gloved Hands

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3rd Person POV

After dinner, America asked Utah to shapeshift and crawl through the tunnels to find any clues while he tends to his 5 knocked out children. DC offers to mind control them so they'd wake up but America says no because that would just piss them off. After a while, the unconscious kids wake up.

Hawaii: Dad, what happened?

USA: A weird bomb went off and you all went unconscious.

American Samoa: Who made the bomb? Was is Arkansas with an explosion potion?

USA: No. Thankfully it wasn't. I noticed some of my papers were missing and my vent was open.

Colorado: Oh yeah, we heard someone small crawl through the vent.

USA: So it must be North Korea. But how'd he know I was gone?

Arizona: And what would he need the papers for?

USA: The papers he stole were papers I was gonna give to Poland that detailed your powers.

HI: Wait, our powers? Lemme check something.

Hawaii then raises her hand like she's about to summon a flame. But unlike normal, a flame does not appear.

HI: My hunch was right. That bomb wasn't there only to knock us out, but to lock our powers.

AS: Wait what?! Let me try.

Soon, America's 4 other children try using their powers. Colorado cannot lift any of the silverware unless he uses his hands. Arizona can't make anything hotter, American Samoa's laser vision is gone, and Alaska can't freeze a single thing. Obviously the rest of the states and territories around them start panicking, fearing their own powers getting locked.

Soon Utah comes down with some clues. He found a glove that Ame instantly recognizes as North Korea's. This proves that North Korea us the culprit. America asks Conneticut to take him to NK's house. Conneticut teleports them to NK's house and America instantly goes to confront North Korea about this situation.

USA: North Korea!

North Korea: Ahh! Shit! How the fuck did you get in here!

USA: Stop asking questions! I came here to ask you questions! Did you happen to invade my house, crawl through the vents, steal some of my paperwork, and plant a bomb that locked 5 of my children's powers?!

NK: Yes! Maybe! He told me to!

USA: So China told you to do this?! I'm gonna destroy that bitch!

NK: No, not China!

USA: Then who!?

NK: South!

USA: Who?

NK: South Korea! My brother!

(Authors Note: I had the reveal planned sense chapter 10. Also we are almost done with the story. Sorry it's so shitty but when we voted for the plot, this plot happened to be the hardest one to put on the story.)

Oh God These Children Have Powers Oh God Oh FuckWhere stories live. Discover now