Chapter 9: Keeping up with the americans

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The weekend has arrived and the American household has turned into total chaos. Vermont and New Hampshire are busy arguing over what is the best form of expression, K-pop or Anime. New Hampshire, being the fatal weeb she is, is the one arguing for anime while Vermont is arguing for k-pop. Now, the house isn't divided over which is better, as no one else cares. What they are arguing on, is if they should let them fight or not.

FL: Of course we should let them fight, imagine the entertainment!

DE: No we shouldn't!

Soon, the argument turned dangerous. Not Delaware's and Florida's, but Vermont's and New Hampshire's. New Hampshire pulled out a sword to fight Vermont, who in return made multiple illusions of himself to not be hit. DC wanted this to all stop before another portal to the tentacle realm opened up so he mind-controlled all of his arguing siblings. He forced Alabama to use his emotion control on the arguing siblings to calm them down. Once this happened he let go of all their minds and was instantly the center of alot of brand-new rage. The states did not like him mind-controlling them and especially using their powers without their control. Even Guam was mad at DC, and they're best friends (mainly because the state's don't like them using their powers on them). DC backed up and tried to escape but Conneticut teleported in front of him and plopped him down with the other states.

Texas: DC, what have we told you about mind-controlling us?

DC: Not to do it.

TX: Yes. And what did you do?

DC: Mind control you.

TX: Yeah. Now I'm gonna have to get dad.

Texas the goes into America's room to get his dad. He tell him what happened and America asks DC for his opinion. DC says what happened and America only grounds DC for the weekend. America then settles the argument by saying [REDACTED] is better. Now this was met with some backlash but America quickly quieted them down. It was about to be lunchtime, and he had to deal with 52 more states arguing.

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