Chapter 2 A Normal Day At Jefferson

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It was the next morning and Andi was doing her daily routine brushing her teeth and preparing for School. As Andi was packing her bag, she walked by the hallway and saw Bex and Bowie were sitting having coffee. "Breakfast Andi?" Bex asked standing up and taking a bowl out and giving it to Andi, Andi smiled and got her favourite Cereal mixture and poured milk and started to eat at the table.

"So what's the plan for today?" Bowie asked Andi, Andi looked at her father, "You know the usual, School, hanging out with Cyrus and Buffy, going to the spoon and maybe hang out somewhere" Andi explained. "Seems boring" Bowie joked, Bex smiled and cleaned the table, "Just a normal day in Andi's world" Bex commented.

Andi got up and hugged her parent's goodbye as she could hear knocking on her door and she looked out and saw Buffy and Cyrus were waiting. "Bye going to school see you later" Andi called leaving. Bex and Bowie waved goodbye as they watched Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy walk to School.


Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy were walking on the sidewalk heading to school, "So I never got to ask where were you two when I talked to Jonah yesterday?" Andi asked. Buffy and Cyrus smiled and Andi looked at them curiously, "You go first" Cyrus insisted to Buffy. Buffy looked at her friends, "Guess who got their kiss" Buffy commented smiling happily.

Andi and Cyrus smiled and laughed, "Congratulations Buffy" Andi and Cyrus cheered, "With who?" Cyrus asked. Andi looked at Buffy and nudged her arm, "Was it Marty from the party?" Andy asked smiling. Buffy laughed, "Yes it was and It was amazing" Buffy explained happily as they contiued to walk.

"Cyrus what about you?" Buffy asked, Cyrus, smiled remembering what happened last night, "I'm in a relationship" Cyrus admired. Andi and Buffy cheered and looked at Cyrus, "With who" Andi and Buffy asked almost at the same time. Cyrus smiled, "With..." Cyrus was about to say.

"Cyrus!" A voice called, the crew looked and Andi and Buffy looked at each other when they saw TJ walk up. "TJ how are you?" Cyrus asked smiling, TJ smiled back, "Great how are you?" TJ asked back. Cyrus smiled, "Great" Cyrus replied, TJ waved to Andi and Buffy who waved back trying to act calm and normal.

"Anyway, will I be seeing you at my game tonight?" TJ asked Cyrus, Cyrus looked at TJ, "Always I am your biggest fan" Cyrus commented. TJ smiled and laughed, "Can't wait to see you there" TJ replied running back into the School. As Cyrus turned Andi and Buffy cheered and hugged Cyrus, "It's TJ isn't it" Buffy asked eagerly.  Cyrus blushed and smiled, "Yeah it is" Cyrus revealed, "You have to tell us how," Andi asked.

"I will but how about at lunch?" Cyrus suggested, Andi and Buffy smiled and contiued to walk as they entered their school. Buffy looked at Cyrus, "Well you kept calling Marty and I Muffy for a ship name what about you and TJ are Tyrus" Buffy suggested. Cyrus nudged Buffy, "Verry Funny" Cyrus commented liking the sound of that. "What do you think Andi?" Buffy asked but Andi didnt say anything, "Andi?" Cyrus questioned.

As they questioned they saw Andi was looking around the School, "Who is she looking for?" Cyrus asked. "Jonah I think" Buffy whispered,  Andi looked at her friends, "Sorry what were you asking?" Andi asked.

Cyrus and Buffy looked at Andi, "What's wrong Andi?" Cyrus asked, "I haven't seen Jonah yet" Andi replied. Buffy put her hand on Andi's shoulder, "Don't worry he'll be here" Buffy reassured, they went to their lockers to grab their stuff to prepare for first period.

As Andi closed her locker she heard laughing and when she looked she saw Marty was at Buffy's locker. Andi smiled seeing them and Cyrus looked at Andi, "Andi there's Jonah" Cyrus pointed out. Andi looked and saw Jonah just walked in but he looked down and it felt different. "I'm going to talk to him," Andi told Cyrus walking away.


"Jonah!" Andi called, Jonah looked at Andi and smiled, "Hey Andi" Jonah greeted, "About yesterday night...I'm sorry about what..." Andi was about to say. "It's ok Andi it was nothing" Jonah interrupted. Andi looked at Jonah, "Are you sure?" Andi asked.

Jonah sighed and looked back at Andi, "Yeah...I was...just...thinking...I'm not mad though just been feeling off" Jonah explained why he been feeling down lately. "Jonah if you ever want to talk about it you can always talk to Cyrus, Buffy and I" Andi reassured.

Jonah smiled, "Thanks Andi, but I should get ready for class" Jonah explained walking up the stairs and Buffy and Cyrus joined Andi. "Well," They asked, "he's not mad at me" Andi explained, "That's good" Cyrus assumed. "But something is still off but I don't know what" Andi commented.

 Before Cyrus said anything the bell started to ring, "Well we should head to class, "guess I'll see you guys at Lunch" Cyrus suggested, Buffy and Andi agreed before they all left to go to their classes. But Buffy and Andi were going in the same direction, "What do you think is wrong with Jonah?" Buffy asked.

"He just said he's been feeling off" Andi explained, "Off how?" Buffy questioned, "I don't know" Andi replied. Buffy looked at Andi, "Well if Cece talked about you and girls maybe that's why he's feeling down" Buffy suggested. Andi shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know Buffy but maybe Jonah will tell us soon" Andi suggested as they contiued their way to class.

Andi entered class and put her books down as she prepared for another eventful day of School.

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