Chapter 1 The After Party

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Authors Note: Things are different in this story

1) Andi Shack is still the same

2) Andi is staying she never applied to Sava

3) The Ships from the end of the finale will remain the same

Cyrus and Buffy were with Andi as they were saying goodbye to everyone and thanking them for coming to the Party. After several minutes Jonah was going to be the last one to leave, Jonah looked up at Andi, "Nice party Andi, see you guys at school tomorrow" Jonah told Andi and the crew in a quiet tone. Andi smiled, "Thanks for coming Jonah" Andi thanked as Jonah waved goodbye and left. As Jonah left Andi closed the door and looked at Cyrus and Buffy.

"What's wrong with Jonah?" Buffy asked curiously seeing Jonah's facial expression before he left, Andi looked at Buffy. "What do you mean?" Andi asked, "You didnt see his face he's usually happy and optimistic" Cyrus pointed out. Andi sighed, "I know, I don't know what's up with Jonah he was acting fine during the party and after we had some fun in the back with everyone else" Andi explained.

After a few minutes, Cece and Bex walked in, "Ready to head home kids?" Bex asked. Before they could give an answer Cece looked around, "Where was that other boy, Jonah, he walked away after I tried to ask something" Cece revealed. Andi and Bex looked at Cece, "What did you say?" Andi asked.

"Well I saw he was wearing that bracelet Andi made, so I asked if he and Andi were back together, but when I said that he looked down so I then asked if he had another girlfriend" Cece explained. "Mom...Cece" Bex and Andi sighed hearing that. "Did I do something?" Cece asked, Andi walked over to the door to see if Jonah was still there and Bex looked at Cece explaining that Andi and Jonah were not together.

Cyrus and Buffy followed and when the three of them looked no one was there, "It's ok Andi we can talk to him tomorrow" Buffy reassured. "Say what, sorry Cece thought we were together and asked about your love life?" Andi questioned. Cyrus put his hand on Andi's shoulder, "Relax Andi, maybe Jonah will be fine by tomorrow" Cyrus reassured.


After saying goodbye to Cece and pops, Bex and Bowie got into her truck and was giving Cyrus and Buffy rides home. "You kids ok back there?" Bex asked, "Mom what should we say to Jonah tomorrow?" Andi asked. Bex sat thinking and she looked at Bowie, "Maybe just start a normal conversation about the party then just make sure he's ok" Bowie suggested. 

"Yeah we'll just talk to him tomorrow" Andi agreed hesitant at first, "Feel bad for Jonah" Cyrus stated. Everyone looked at Cyrus as Bex contiued to drive,  "He's so nice, and just a friendly guy but it's sad how he gets hurt" Cyrus pointed out. "Like how?" Buffy questioned,  "Well he was with amber a couple of times, then with Andi, then with Libby" Cyrus explained.

"Relationships come and go but eventually you find the one that's right" Bex added telling everyone in the vehicle. Everyone smiled and they looked out the window as Bex and Bowie dropped off each kid until it was just Andi. "So Andi what did you and Jonah talk about?" Bex asked.

Andi looked forward, "He found the bracelet and asked if he could keep it, I was surprised but he said he liked it and I let him keep it becuase it was for him" Andi explained. "That's cute" Bowie commented, "Dad" Andi sighed. Bex and Bowie smiled, "We're just saying how nice that was Andi" Bex commented.

Andi smiled as her parents drove home so they could sleep and be ready for the next day.

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