Chapter 5 The Spoon

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The bell rung as Andi opened the door to get inside the spoon and she looked at the closest booth and saw Buffy and Cyrus were sitting already with some milkshakes and baby taters. "Hey, Andi" Cyrus and Buffy greeted as Andi sat to join them for some baby taters.

Cyrus leaned out looking at the door, "Hey Andi, wheres Jonah?" Cyrus asked, Andi looked at Cyrus. "He's not coming" Andi answered as she sipped from her milkshake, Buffy looked at Andi surprised, "Why not?" Buffy asked.

"He said he has some English work" Andi answered, Cyrus and Buffy, looked at each other confused. "English? does he even have English" Cyrus questioned, "No he doesn't" Buffy answered.

"Guys, can we just let it go" Andi begged wanting to change the subject, Buffy looked at Andi, "Andi, how can we let this go Jonah lied right to you and we don't know why" Buffy pointed out. Andi looked at Buffy, "Please Buffy let's just move on maybe he just wants some alone time" Andi explained.

As everyone was quiet they heard something, "Hey can I help you with anything else?" Someone asked.  The group looked and smiled as they saw it was Amber, "No we're good Amber" Andi answered. "Ok just let me know if you guys need anything"  Amber advised as she walked away to help another customer, "Can you believe it?" Buffy asked.

Andi and Cyrus looked at Buffy, "Believe what?" Cyrus asked, "We're friends with Amber...she used to be the mean girl and now she's not" Buffy explained. Andi and Cyrus smiled for a bit, "True that is funny" Cyrus mentioned.

As they had fun talking Cyrus phone ringed and he looked at it and smiled as he was texting, Andi and Buffy looked at each other and smiled. "Who are you texting" Buffy nudged smiling, Cyrus leaned away as he blushed but he went back to normal. "It was TJ" Cyrus answered smiling.

Andi and Buffy looked at each other and smiled hearing that, "He was wondering if we are still going to his game?" Cyrus asked.Andi put her hand on Cyrus, "Of course were going" Andi answered happily. Cyrus smiled and started to text TJ telling him that they were still coming, Buffy smiled watching Cyrus text TJ. But when Buffy looked at Andi she was frowning looking at her phone.

(Right Side is Andi, Left is Jonah)

Jonah Beck

Hey Jonah

It's me Andi how the English work?


Are you there?


Are you okay?


Sorry my phones going to die ttyl

"EARTH TO ANDI!!!" Buffy called...

Andi shook her head and looked up at Buffy and Cyrus who looked at her concerned, "Are you okay Andi?" Cyrus asked. "Yeah, you looked sad and very focused on your phone" Buffy added, "I'll tell you on the way to TJ's game" Andi explained as they packed their stuff and were on their way to TJ's basketball game.


Meanwhile, at Jonah's house, he was reading through Macbeth trying to answer some questions to help with the essay. Jonh sighed and placed his pencil and laid his head down, "Come on Jonah what's the worst thing that could happen if Jacob tells the whole school about my past love lives" Jonah thought.

But in the back of Jonah's head, there was fear of being judged, laughed at, and how his friends would react. Jonah looked at his phone and saw Andi was messaging him, "No I can't tell Andi" Jonah told himself. But Jonah looked at the phone and saw Andi was asking how he was doing, "I just made up an excuse that my phone is dying, I hope they have fun at TJ's game" Jonah thought as he contiued to work on Jacob's homework.

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