Royal Duty is Fulfilled

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In the garden, more people showed up including Kings and Queens.
They entered the garden and saw them in the garden. Sana was bored so showed the adults a nature tour using her intelligence to name every plant and animal there was. Sana was so interested and so in fact were the guests. How could such a young woman have so much knowledge?
Hukamo like her even more, a wise and beautiful wife.
After the garden party was over, Hukamo went up to Sana,
"So what happened in the garden party was cool-" he said.
Sana looked at him and realised that he had a crush on her.
"Oh I just know these stuff every morning, I heard a woman teaching a nature class and I took down notes."
"Oh, that's amazing."
"What do you mean?"asked Sana "Don't you fight dragons and anaconda everyweek?"
"You see Sana,"he said "Your father said I should choose between you and Yui"
He hesitated
"And I choose you."

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