Chapter 2

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      "I see them. The railroad tracks are straight ahead," Sarah said

"Watch it, Ann. Lookout for that rock," Lindsey said as she pulled Ann away from the big rock she was about to trip over.

The tracks were exactly as the children had remembered. The metal was rusted away at some places, and coal was scattered to the sides. White and cream rocks created slopes on both sides of the tracks so that you had to be careful when you climbed up. Trees lined the edge of the rocky slopes, and a small pond nestled behind it. The pond had many lily pads and cattails.

The small ball of adventure was still hidden inside Cate's pocket. It started to spin while changing colors. Yet Cate and the other children did not notice because they were too focused on reaching the train tracks. The ball, still in her pocket, spun slowly. Then it got faster. It turned and turned until it disappeared into thin air.

Only some know about these magic orbs of adventure. Even fewer know where they go to when they disappear. Some, who are extremely lucky, are blessed with this knowledge. One of those people is Mim.

"We should play hobos," Ann suggested.

"Yes, we could live in the time of Great Depression. A lot of people lost their jobs, and even lost their homes. In big families, sometimes the oldest would leave and go live by themselves. They did this so their parents would not have to spend more money on people to feed," Sarah added.

"Didn't people stow away on trains to go places because they didn't have money or a car or wagon?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, that's right." Sarah agreed.

"Thank you very much for the information on the Great Depression. You both should write an essay on it," Lindsey said sarcastically.

"You sound like a teacher, Lindsey." Peter remarked.

"Can we start playing hobos now?" asked Andrew.

"Can we pick out names too?" asked Cate.

"Sure, o.k." said Gwen

"My name is going to be Rosie," Lindsey said, "Because whenever I play a doll that's the name I choose for my doll."

"You always pick that name for everything you play, not just the name for your dolls." Peter said.

"I don't want to change my name for this game so you can just call by my real name." Andrew pointed out.

"It takes forever to pick names," Cate decided "Let's not pick them anymore."

"Well, you're the one who wanted to pick them in the first place." Andrew said.

"So, now I don't want to, it is taking forever," said Cate

"I guess we don't have to, but I am still keeping the name I picked" Lindsey said.

The children walked on the tracks looking for a place to build a house for playing hobos. Both Sarah and Gwen walked barefoot. Sarah convinced Gwen that it was too hot outside to wear shoes. Underneath the two girl's feet, the tracks felt smooth and warm, but not hot because the sun had not yet fully warmed the tracks. Andrew was wearing dark green muck boots that made a clunking sound every time it hit the metal of the tracks.

"I see a place!" yelled Cate, "It is right over there, underneath that tree. We could put sticks against it to make walls, and lay leaves and long grass down for a bed."

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