Chapter 9

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Ann woke up screaming. She was covered in sweat and her head throbbed. Every bad memory had been relived and the most recent, her stepping on a rusty old nail had led her to the hospital, where they had to remove it. They whole time, a child was screaming, and the machines beeped, and some alarm went off. That experience was terrifying.

Another one when she was younger, and they had played hide-and-seek. She had climbed their biggest tree and couldn't get down. The others went inside, while she screamed for help up in the tree. Finally, after twenty minutes which felt like an hour her older brother came out and helped her get down. Ann ripped her favorite shirt in the process.

There were big events and little ones but they all were torture to relive the pain and fear. "Please, help me," she begged out loud "doesn't anyone care?"

"No one cares about you Ann. They aren't even trying to rescue you. Maybe if you help us, we might set you free." Sin hissed into her ear.

"It's tempting," thought Ann, "should I? Yes, it has been how long I've been here and nothing. No, I can't they are bad, I can't help them, I must have hope."

"So what's you answer?" said Sin.

"I don't know," cried Ann, "I don't know!"

"You must choose!" screeched Sin as slammed its fist on the table.

Ann remained silent, "If you will not choose, you can lay here until you die. We'll give the minimum amount of food of course the longer you live in pain the longer the fun lasts for us. You can stay here, alone, in the dark, with the rats and snakes and who knows what other creatures lurk. Think about it, Ann, you help us, we'll help you. Or we could always trick the others into trading you for the winged unicorn." laughed Sin as he disappeared into the darkness.

Ann did what anyone would do at first she screamed, that did nothing, and no one could hear her. Next, she tried to get out of her restraints, but the snakes bit her as Ann struggle. Ann started to cry out of despair until she remembered the voice in the dream, who reassured her that someone would save her.

"But when?" thought Ann, "I want to trust that voice. It was a kind voice but I can't see any hope what so ever, I can't even see an inch in front of me! I am going to die here before anyone gets here!"

The snakebites from her chains made out of snakes started to sting. The pain shot up her legs. Everything in her body told her she was in pain. Trying to ignore it she thought about her family, her friends, and all the good times in her life, "I guess I trust you." Ann said out loud.

At once the voice of the dream pounded into her head, forcing her present state, the Enels, and all her worries out of her mind. Ann no longer felt helpless. A great power swept over her filling Ann up and she became stronger. She wiggled her way out of her restraints. Blindly Ann staggered through the gloomy room, trusting in that voice that he would lead her to safety.

"Thank you. I can get back to them, I know I can. They will help me. I will help myself and them by trying to get out of here. My siblings are worried, they will not forget me." Ann thought with her new found hope.

Ann rubbed her eyes as she came into the light. She looked down at herself, she had some bruises, and the bite marks on her arms from the snakes but nothing serious. Ann felt hardly any pain, which she thought was impossible considering the agony she had just been in. "Nothing is impossible, when you trust in me," whispered the voice.

"O.k. now that I'm out of that room, where do I go?" Ann asked herself as she struggled to remember the way they had dragged her. "Do I go down this hallway or the other one? Maybe there is door or something? Come on, think, and decide now! O.K. left."

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