Chapter 7

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Horis and Marlin had only been traveling for ten minutes when Marlin started to slip.

"I can't stay on without using my claws," panted Marlin, "I'm going to fall."

"I will land in the opening in the trees, then. We will have to walk most of the way there, unless, yes that will work. Marlin please get off."

"Right now, but, we are still in the air?"

"When I land." snorted Horis.

"Move out of the way, and don't get close. I am going to use my magic to make a basket. First, I must find a good deal of long grasses. Over there, perfect,"

"Can't you just make a basket appear? That would be much easier." suggested Marlin.

"I have to use nature for this, it might be easier and less time consuming to just make it appear, but that takes more energy. You see, to make something from nothing is one of the hardest things you can do. Humans and cats too, can't do that. They have to have something to make something else. It is less harsh on me to pick the grasses and weave them, than to turn air into a basket. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I guess do," Marlin said as he licked his paw.

After a few short minutes the basket was made. The basket was attached, by a rope, to Horis. Marlin felt much safer, than just being on Horis' back.

"Wow, look at that!" exclaimed Marlin.

Marlin and Horis were flying over a waterfall, which ran into a crystal lake. It shimmered in the setting sun, and shadows of the trees were cast down upon it.

"That is where we stop, my friend. I have an acquaintance that lives there."


"She lives in the middle of the rock in that crack, next to the waterfall."

"Oh, that must be nice living so high."

"I need to warn you, she is a spider, and a good sized one. Her name is Kanga I don't want you freaking out there, so I am telling you now. Marlin, please do not be afraid of her, she is like a grandmother to me."

"I have scary and weird friends too, you know! I don't get scared easily, you know. I am not a scaredy cat. My friend Bubba, my slug fairy friend, he took getting used to, but he's great! He spreads happiness, love and slime to everyone. He might be chubby and gross, but his charms make you hardly notice it. " Marlin said.

"We are here, now Marlin, don't do anything stupid!" commanded Horis.

"I hardly do much; I eat, sleep, and complain. Sometimes I party, that's basically my whole life story."

Marlin and Horis knocked on the door that was made out of wood and webs. The webs had fresh dew drops that sparkled in the sun, which made tiny rainbows, appear around the door. Around the door, there was an inscription it said "My heart is in my webs; my heart is in my home."

The door opened sluggishly, not wanting to move, Kanga came out and said with excitement, "Oh Horis, I am glad you have come to visit me. It has been so long, since I have seen you. I remember it, just like yesterday; you and Tofu had only just started to fly great distances. You both came barging into my house, yelling and screaming, wanting to show me how fast and far you both could fly. You were always visiting. Oh, just saw Tofu, the other day, and now you, what a treat, indeed. Tofu is still as small as ever, the same size as when you were only five hundred years old. He is still a cutie. Have you seen Tofu lately?"

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