Chapter 6

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The children and E. had opened the door hidden as a bookcase and they now stood in front the Pit of Holes. They stared and dared not to take a step further because of the fear of falling in. The children looked behind them and E. had disappeared. The children didn't really care that he disappeared because for some strange reason, it felt normal, like he supposed to do that. But something else caught the children's eye. It was another orb; it was dancing around blinking fiercely.

"Hey," cried Sarah, "another orb, it wants us to follow it. I can tell. Maybe, it will lead us to Ann."

"Let's follow it, even if we do have to go down one of the holes." said Peter.

"That's the point! Ann fell down a hole; one of the holes could lead us to her." pointed out Lindsey.

"We need to find our sister. We have to do anything to save her." Andrew said.

"Okay guys, hold hands as we go around the other holes. We should only go down the hole the orb is floating in the middle of, which is in the center of all the other holes." commanded Gwen.

"I'm scared," said Cate nervously grabbing Sarah's hand, "What if something bad has happened to Ann, or maybe something will happen to us?"

"I don't know what will happen, but we should stick together." said Sara.

"Hey the orb already started flying down the hole!" shouted Peter.

"On the count of three, jump, we don't want to lose that orb!" Lindsey said.

"One, two, three jump!" screamed Gwen.

The children jumped, holding hands, into the pitch black hole. They were all wondering the same thing. What was awaiting them, wherever the pit would lead to, and if they were ever going to see daylight again?


This was the dream Ann had during her time in the fire cage. It started out as a bright light; it was so bright and brilliant, that you could not look at it. This light was the moon. As the light grew nearer a fuzzy blob of colors was all that Ann could make out. The picture became nearer until it was completely visible.

She could see a garden; it was much unlike any other gardens though. The flowers were around the same size as her. They had children's faces and they moved as if in a dance. There were twelve flowers that had been dancing around something. They slowed down and backed away. Ann could finally see what they were circling, a rainbow, surrounded by petals. The two things were mixing together, swirling around each other, in a blur. In replace of them, lay a baby winged unicorn. It stood as if it had stood forever and stretched its wings. Its horn glimmered in the moonlight.

"My, I have just seen a winged unicorn being born, how amazing." Ann thought,

"Only one of them is born in a hundred years."

"You are right my child," said a big booming voice that was loud but loving, "You have witnessed what no human has ever seen before. Since you are the first, you will name her. The name will be anything you desire. I will care for her until she is old enough, and if you ever become a keeper of the orbs, she will live with you."

Ann thought, then replied, "The name will be, Luna, because she was born when the moon was out."

"A wise choice, small one, now the moon will always watch over her. And as for you I will be always with you. Even though you are in great danger, I have been watching you and the others. I have great hope in you and your friends. I have faith in you, that you will become a keeper."

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