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I scream when the gunshot echos throughout the woods. I can't tell which angle it came from so I try to flatten myself as much as I can in the truck and press the speed dial on my phone. The gun goes off again as Toni picks up.

"Help! We are being shot at!" I panic quietly into the phone. She mumbles a quick "shit" and hangs up with reassurance that help will be here in five minutes. It seems like forever, though. Reggie has barely moved, and I don't think he has blinked since it happened. I almost worry that he's dead, but his chest moves up and down rapidly. The gun goes off again and this time, a window in the truck shatters. 

"Stay here." Reggie whispers and hops over the side of the truck. I want to stop him but I don't have the courage. I can't see him once he is over the edge but I hold myself as still as possible. 

"Come here, pretty boy." A voice calls out and the sound of metal on metal has me shaking and crying to myself. The guy is close, whoever he is. The sound of motorcycles scare me too, and I feel trapped. Footsteps run away from the truck and I let out the breath I had been holding.

"Serpents, pan out. If you see anyone, attack first and ask questions later. Sweet Pea, make sure Heather is ok." A deep voice says, and I recognize it as Jughead from this morning. Some of the motorcycles pull away and I peek my head up, only to see a tall guy with a knife raised high in the air. My breath catches in my throat and my heart rate picks up. Whoever he is walks around to the foot of the truck and pulls the tailgate down. The moonlight hits the side of his face and I see the snake tattoo on his neck and without thinking, I fling myself into his arms. He feels safe as I cry and he rubs my back. The leather on him smells good, mixed with some sort of cologne.

"Hey, are you hurt?" He pushes my head up by my chin gently and I shake my head no. "Stand, let me make sure. Adrenaline can keep you from feeling pain." He speaks softly and I stand, only to remember the way I must look to him. He bites his lip as I look down at my shirt that is slightly tucked under my bra and my pants are undone and riding low on my hips.

"Shit, sorry." I mumble, pulling my shirt down and fixing my pants. A blush coats my cheeks even in the circumstances. My fingers feel so numb and tingly that I can't button it and I have to lean against the truck to keep from falling over.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concerned at my tiredness.

"I just... I took something. I can't feel anything." I mumble. He tugs on my hair softly to have my eyes meet his but a gasp leaves my mouth and he springs back in shock. "I can also feel everything," I add, laying back on the tailbed.

"You took jingle jangle. The effects could have you for hours." He mutters. "Ok, I am just going to fix your pants before they come back. Don't freak out." He tells me, looking panicked himself. He pulls my jeans up on my waist and I grumble. "What?"

"Underwear too." I demand. He sighs and reaches under the jeans to pull up the panties I'm wearing. As he is trying to button them, Reggie interrupts.

"What the hell are you doing, snake?" He shouts.

"Trying to fix your girlfriend's pants since you left her like that." The guy replies. He buttons them finally and with one lingering touch on my stomach, he pulls away.

"Not my boyfriend." I whisper but they can't hear me. I stand up to try and say it again but I topple over but pretty boy catches me.

"Get your hands off of her!" Reggie shouts.

"Calm down, Reggie. He's helping her. Let's just go. Neither of you can drive so we'll take you home." Toni speaks.

"I am not riding with that asshole." Reggie points at me but then I remember the other serpent behind me.

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