Chapter Eight

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Annabeth sat on Percy's lap. Percy had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend's waist, occasionally placing kisses upon her shoulder. They sat on the crest of Half Blood Hill, overlooking the whole camp. Books littered the green grass around them. Percy wasn't particularly fond of the idea of studying when they were supposed to be enjoying leisure time together, but Annabeth insisted. Percy couldn't say no.

She picked out a particularly large textbook out of the bunch and set it on her thighs. "Okay, so since AP history seems to be kicking your butt, I thought we could brush up on some of the lessons."

Percy sighed dramatically and rested his chin on her shoulder. "This is boring, Annie. I mean, who cares about a load of dead guys anyways? Been there, probably done that."

"These dead guys had a vast impact on our world today. It's great to know this stuff." She looked over her shoulder and pecked Percy's nose. "You'll thank me later, Seaweed Brain."

Percy smiled up at her. He was really grateful to have a girlfriend like her. She would always be there for him. Annabeth helped him in more ways than he thought possible. When it seemed like the whole world was against him, Annabeth was right by his side. Percy's never known a truer love.

Percy gave in. Of course he did. When it came to Annabeth, he always would. "Whatever you say. Promise we can do actual fun stuff later? Not to say that this isn't fun or anything. Education. Hoorah."

Annabeth relented. "My thoughts exactly. Let's hit these books, and maybe, just maybe, we can arrange something tonight."

Percy agreed to her terms. How bad could it be? History could be pretty cool at times, not to mention his mentor was totally hot. He's got this. No problem.

After about twenty minutes, Percy thought he would lose his mind. The only thing keeping him grounded was Annabeth's sweet voice. Other than that, his head was in the clouds. He retained absolutely zero of the information she was honing in on him. It wasn't her fault of course. AP history made oatmeal look fascinating. He could think of a thousand other things he'd rather be doing at that moment.

Percy studied the campers below them. He watched the volleyball courts, surveying the way the ball was flicked back and forth between six minuscule figures. Pegasi zipped this way and that, mounted by demigods whose faces were green even from where Percy sat. Campers moved about, talking with friends. A particular duo caught Percy's eye immediately.

Nico was garnished in all black, from head to toe. Perhaps that's why he drew Percy's attention so easily. Jason stood next to him, ever so close to the son of Hades. They were in deep conversation. Jason stared down at Nico quite a bit.

Percy was annoyed by the pairing. Why wasn't Jason spending time with Piper? It seemed like every second, Jason was latched to Nico like some sort of leech. Nico allowed it like it was nothing. He didn't close himself off when it came to Jason. Percy hated that. Doesn't Nico have better people to talk to? Like himself? Savior of Olympus, the downfall of Kronos and Gaea and so many more. Percy was so much better than some kid of Jupiter. Everyone knew that. So why didn't Nico?

Percy was shocked at his own trail of thoughts. He's never felt so . . . resentful before. So angry. Something was stirring in his chest. Something nasty that's never been released before. Percy stared down at Nico with unwavering eyes. What was Nico doing to him?

"Percy . . . Hey, Seaweed Brain . . ." A troubled look was on his face. Brows furrowed, eyes emotionless, fists clenched and slightly shaking. He didn't show any sign that he heard her. "Percy!"

Percy snapped his pencil in half in his right hand. That seemed to snap him out of his trance. He ripped his eyes away from the son of Hades and stared into Annabeth's grey eyes filled with concern.

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