Chapter Nine

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The movie was lack luster at best. Action films weren't Nico's speed. He preferred a classic horror film, being the stereotypical child of Hades he was. Nothing got the night going like a blonde getting slaughtered with a chainsaw. However, he stuck it through, that reason being a certain Golden boy sitting right next to him.

Jason was completely immersed in the film. His eyes never strayed from the large screen, save for the occasional side glance at the raven haired boy picking at his nails. Jason said nothing about his lack of interest, and instead made sure Nico digested enough buttery popcorn to fill him up.

When the screen credits rolled, Nico stood and emitted a deep sigh. He stretched his aching limbs, due to lots of cracking. Jason stared up at him, eyes wandering towards the creamy skin of Nico's flat stomach that peeked through his raised shirt ever so slightly.

Jason cleared his throat and stood. "Enjoyed it?"

Nico attempted a smile, which looked more like a grimace. "Movie of the century, I'd say."

Jason frowned. "You hated it."

"Hate is a strong word, Grace," Nico said knowingly.

"Next time I'll let you pick. I just thought you agreed. You looked happy about this one."

"That's because you looked like you would poop yourself when you saw that this movie was playing. I didn't want to be the monster that spoiled your dreams."

Jason grinned. "You're too cute, di Angelo."

Nico smiled at the checkered ground, but didn't reply. They joined the rampage of people that were shepherded out of the screening room. Jason made sure to walk behind Nico for fear that he would lose the petite boy in the sea of bodies. Once they were safely out of the facility, they started down the sidewalk, lit by numerous shops and streetlights.

"So, what now?" Jason asked eagerly. "Wanna get a bite? Or visit shops?"

Nico raised a brow up at him. "We're not going back to camp?"

"C'mon, Nico! The night's still young! We're in the city that never sleeps. Plus, any excuse I have to spend time with you, you bet I'm going to take it."

Nico felt his face grow warm. He averted his eyes to the shifting concrete below him. "I-I guess. It doesn't matter to me."

They walked by a illuminating stand selling pastries of all kinds, from flaky eclairs to buttered croissants. Jason approached the stand, eyeing the assortment below him. He glanced down at Nico, knowing the perfect treat to give the small Italian.

He purchased the pastry from the rosy-cheeked man and bestowed it to Nico with a broad grin. Nico deadpanned up at him. "Just because I'm Italian doesn't mean I like Italian foods."

"Somehow I don't believe that."

Nico grudgingly took the steaming roll of cooked dough, ignoring the fact that it made his mouth water like a river work. "Thanks, Grace."

Jason nodded and slung his arm around Nico's frail shoulders. "Anything for my death boy."

Nico enjoyed the warmth Jason's body heat provided. He found himself unconsciously pushing against the son of Zeus, all while munching on his cannoli. Jason had no complaints. He liked having Nico against him. Nico was so frail compared to Jason. Jason felt like an impenetrable wall, there to protect Nico till the ends of his days.

Percy couldn't compare. No one could. Nico needed him, likewise for Jason.

Jason smiled at his thoughts, knowing it was true. Nico didn't push his touch away. If it were anyone else, they would surely have their hands at their sides seconds after their fruitless attempt. Jason's progress with Nico was substantial.

"Ooo, look how pretty!" exclaimed Nico, pointing to a little park a few paces ahead. The park was lit by fairy lights, laced around the trees bordering it. There was a tiny pond with a wooden plank bridge over it. A fountain shaped like a rose spewed a valley of water into the pond. Koi fish darted here and there, shooting hither and tither.

Pedestrians didn't seem to pay the park any mind. Something as beautiful as the park could only capture the attention of someone as beautiful as Nico.

Jason guided Nico to the vacant park. He watched as Nico's eyes lit up, thinking of nothing but how pretty Nico happened to be. The light captured Nico's large dark eyes, his long eyelashes seemed to brush his eyebrows. He gazed in wonder around at the park, pink lips parted slightly. Jason's breath was caught in his throat for completely different reasons.

"Why haven't I seen this place before?" breathed Nico. "It's awesome!"

Jason led Nico to the fountain, the source of Nico's excitement. Nico was practically buzzing with joy. Jason's never seen him this intrigued. He was like a kid again, a kid that didn't have to grow up at such a young age. A kid that wasn't wronged by the world in so many cruel ways. Jason wanted to make Nico immeasurably happy. He wanted Nico to wear this same expression for all his days. It's that least that the son of Hades deserved.

Nico peered down at the crystal water the fountain contained, observing the minuscule orange fish flitting to and fro. Jason's eyes were glued to Nico, the most beautiful thing in the park if you'd have asked him.

"Nico . . ." began Jason. "I really enjoyed today. I wish we could do this everyday. I wish you would let me."

Nico looked over at him, expressionless. "I don't understand why you would want to."

Jason cocked his head to the side. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's nothing."

"No," insisted Jason. "Tell me."

His dark eyes turned back to the water. "I . . . I'm nothing compared to you. Just some lame kid. The fact that you want my company makes me feel like a charity case."

Jason found himself becoming angry. Here he was, completely in awe of Nico, and said person was insulting himself like it were nothing. It was almost as if Nico were insulting Jason. Nico didn't understand his self worth. He was amazing, in every thing he did. Jason noticed that. Everyone noticed that. So why the hell didn't he?

"Dammit, Nico, you make me so frustrated when you say that about yourself. The things you do are so amazing. You're one of the greatest heroes that's stepped foot in that camp. Percy and I couldn't amount to the things you do. Even after everything you went through, you still manage to overcome obstacles in the most amazing way possible. I couldn't do that, no matter how hard I try. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Then you would be so in love with yourself."

Nico stared up at him with wide eyes, shining. "I would like to believe your words, Jason. But I've failed so many times. I'm a screw up. And I can't just erase my past and believe you, no matter how much I wish I could."

"Your past is your past. You can't let it define you. We've all made mistakes. There was no perfect hero anywhere in those stupid history books. Although it may not seem like it to me, you aren't perfect. But your a damn close second. There's no where else for you to go but up. And I'll be with you, every step of the way . . . if you'll allow me to be."

Nico's eyes fell from Jason's to the ground. Jason didn't want that. The action seemed out of his will. His body moved before his mind could. He reached out his hand to Nico's chin, taking hold of it with a gentle touch. Lightly, he raised Nico's shaky gaze. Jason felt as if the boy would shatter if treated too roughly. Nico stared up at him, almost in fear. Jason's mind was buzzing as he took his next movements. There seemed to be nothing else in the world except them. Not the millions of people in that city, not his girlfriend at Long Island. Just them two.

He closed the distance between their bodies, until he was pressed up against the smaller form in front of him. Nico stood shock-still, not moving a muscle, even when Jason drooped his head down to become level with his own. Jason's eyes flickered close, as well as Nico's.

Then, their lips met.

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