Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N - Thank you for 4K, loves.

"He'll be okay, won't he?"

"Of course. My guess is he passed out from exhaustion. Nothing a few hours of sleep can't fix."

"What was he doing there anyways?"

"I have no idea. I've been so busy. I'm such an idiot for not keeping a closer eye on him."

"Jason, this isn't your fault—"

"Hang on," a voice interrupted. "He's waking up."

Nico pried his heavy eyelids open. A bright light distorted his hazy vision. He could barely make out the silhouettes ahead of his sight. Hovering over him were the faces of Jason, Hazel, Will, and Clarisse. Nico was puzzled at the latter of the group. However, as he tried to think over explanations, his head pounded insistently. He winced in pain.

Will quickly took action. "Sit him up, one of you. And dim the lights. He needs a few minor medications. I'm going to go run and fetch it."

Hazel expressed her gratitude and rushed to shut off unnecessary light sources. Jason gently lifted Nico's head and placed a cold pillow behind his neck. Nico relaxed into the soft feather cushion with a sigh. The change of temperature felt so welcoming on his overheated cranium.

"Hi, cutie," greeted Jason, grinning. But the concern in his eyes never ceased. "How're you feeling?"

"Like my head is getting beat with a baguette," mumbled Nico sleepily. "How did I get here?"

Clarisse made a noise. "Thank me later, kid. You owe me one. Don't think that I did this from the kindness of my heart."

"What heart?" asked Nico.

Jason snorted.

"Very funny," she snarled. "Next time you won't be so lucky." Then she stormed out of the infirmary. Clarisse looked to be infuriated. Nico knew better though. From the look in her eye, he knew she cared. Which was probably why she waited until Nico woke up before she left. Nico felt happy about that.

Hazel returned to Nico's bedside. She carded a hand through the sweaty hair clinging to his skin. She placed a loving kiss on his forehead. "Don't scare me like that ever again, you hear me? What were you doing clear out there anyways? You realize that the only reason anybody found you was because the Ares cabin was scouting? They're the only ones who ever travel that deep in the forest."

Nico bit his lip and glanced at Jason's equally as questioning face. Nico looked away quickly, in shame. He couldn't tell them the truth obviously. He promised Jason that he would stay far away from Percy. Not personally forgive him.

Percy . . .

Bianca . . .

The gods . . .

Nico underwent another series of painful tremors to his head.

"You can Q&A him later." Will was back with equipment. "Right now, Nico needs a peaceful environment. If you can't provide him that, I'm going to have to ask the both of you to leave."

"We're not going anywhere," snapped Jason, eyes vicious. "Now heal him."

"That's the plan." Will shouldered his way past Jason and arrived right next to Nico. He smiled warmly down at him. "I'm going to need you to take this." He held up a small red pill. Nico shuddered. "I know you hate taking pills, but it'll make you feel loads better. I can't risk giving you ambrosia. It might make you burn up even more. Spontaneous combustion doesn't sound very fun, does it?"

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