Chapter 13

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"Who is it?" I yell to the front door.

"Your best friend." Amy says.

"What's up?" I say once I let her in.

"I heard what happened before I left work today."

"You checking on me to see if I'm taking off the edge?"

"You better believe it.. And I'm sorry she lied to you."

"Me too.. Did my mom tell you my letter came in?"

"They want me to report to active duty Friday.. Which is in two days."

"You sure you ready to go back? I mean you are heart broken and stressed out.. I don't want what happened last time to happen again."

"I'm fine I swear."

"Emma last time your grandma died and you went crazy and did more than cocaine.. You have to find something or someone to live for."

"I did.. I thought I got Regina back but no she lied to my face.. And let's not forget Kim was pregnant with my baby girl but wait.. Yeah she lied to my fucking face too!" I yell..

"I hear you baby.. I do, but you're only going away for 3 months please try and keep it together."

"Yeah yeah.. I will."

"Let's go." She says.

"Go where?"

"Dinner on me."

"No.. I'm fine.."

"Look I'm not taking no for an answer.. And besides, you're leaving me in two days.. (Crying) I hate when you leave and go to that war zone."

"Hey.. Amy don't cry.. I'll be okay."

"You don't know that."

"I'll come back in one piece and if I come back with a scratch you can kill me yourself."

"(Laughs) Now that's a deal."


"(Crying) I love you." My mom says.

"Mom stop crying.. I'll be fine I swear." I say.

"You better.. Now Ethan and Kim are about to go to the doctor's appointment.. Would you like for them to drop you off?"

"No mom.. I have a driver.. I love you and I will call you when I get a chance."

"Okay baby.. I love you Emma."

"Mom I promise you I will come home."

"(Crying) Okay.. I know you'll be safe."

"Miss Swan your bags are in the car when you are ready." Eddie says.

"Thanks Eddie.. Okay mom I'm about to leave now."

"Bye baby." She gives me a really long hug before I get in the car.


"EMMA!" I hear my name being yell and I know that voice.

"What do you want Regina?"

"I didn't know you were in the military."

"Yeah I went because of you."

"Excuse me?"

"A story for another time.. What do you want I have a plane to catch?"

"Just wanted to see you before you left and wish you luck I guess.. Anyway, be careful."

"Like you care if I died or not." I whisper.

"I do care Emma."


"Your son will be born by the time you come back."

"(Laughs) That's not my kid and you know it.. Good bye Regina Mills."

"Don't day I didn't tell you.. Bye Emma." She then walks off.

————————3 years Later—————-

"Miss Swan it's nice to see you again." Eddie says.

"How long has it been almost four years?" He takes my bags and opens the car door for me.

So long story short, I didn't stay for 3 months.. I asked could I stay longer because I wasn't ready to go back home.. To much stress for me.. And hey turns out I'm more focused here than at home.. Maybe because there aren't any drugs here for me to take.. Just kidding, but hey.. I'm happy now and turns out Regina's kid was mine. I found out a year ago and when she ran into some trouble with her family. My mom told me on the phone that they left her with nothing and she needed a place to stay so I told my mom to give her the keys to my place. I wasn't going to let my kid live on the streets.

"It's been too long Miss Swan.. Where am I taking you first?" He asked.. To see my kid..

"To my place please."

"Yes ma'am."

————————— My Place ——————-


"Yeah I'm coming." I hear Regina yell. "Ethan did you forget too.." She freeze when she see that it's me. "Em.. Emma?"

"Ugh Hi.." I say.

"Hey.. How.. How are you?"

"Good and you?"

"I'm doing good.. Thank you for asking."

"Mama I want some canny."

"You can't have any candy until you eat dinner."

"I want canny! I want canny!" I hear him but I don't see him.

"Is that..?"


"Can I meet him?" I ask.

"Of course.. He is your son.. Come in.." She says and she walks off to go and get him.

"Mama but I not want no dinner." He says.

"You have to eat but first I want you to meet someone." She says and she comes to view with him in her arms.. And he just stares at me.

"Hi kid." I say and he hides in the crock of Regina's neck.

"Say hi.. Don't be shy." Regina says.

"Hi.. Are you my mama's friend that saves us from the bad guys?" He asks.

"I am."

"Okay. Mama can I go play with my toys?"

"Yes baby." She puts him down and he runs off.

"(Crying) Ugh.. (Clears Throat) What's his ugh.. What's his name?" I ask.

"Henry Daniel Swan Mills."

"Swan? You put my name in there?"

"He is your kid.. Of course I did."

"Right.. Thanks."

"You're welcome.. Will be be staying for dinner?"

"I can come back.. I haven't been to see my mom and Ethan.. And Amy of course.. I came here first."

"Of course.. Dinner is at 6:30."

"I'll be here."


"Hey Regina?"


"Thank you for letting me see him.. I know I denied him countless times and I'm sorry.. It's just I was.."

"It's okay Emma.. Just be there for him when he needs you please."

"You got my word."

"See you at dinner." She says before I walk out the door...

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