Chapter 15

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"A date?" Amy asks.


"Emma you need to be careful.. You just got back home and your emotions are.."

"Amy stop it.. I'm fine okay.. It's Regina, not some Radom chick."

"Okay.. But if you feel like you are going to slip then call me or come here.. You have a kid now.. It's not just you that you have to think about."

"I know that.. And thank you."

"You're welcome."


Knock Knock

"I'm coming." I hear Regina say. "Who is it?"

"Your favorite blonde." I say.

"Good Afternoon Emma."

"Damn." I whisper when I see her. She's in a tight black dress that hug her hips in all the right places.

"You like?" She asks with a smile.

"No.. I love it."

"I know you do."

"We need to go."

"Are you in a rush?"

"I am because I'm afraid of what I might do you if we don't leave.. Let's go please."

"And what is it you want to do to me Miss Swan?" She leans in and whisper in my ear.

"It's been five and a half years since I've had sex.. Don't tempt me."

"I like it rough.. Or have you forgot." She then kiss my softly and at the moment is when I knew we wasn't going to dinner. I grab her by her throat and pushed her against the wall. "(Moans) Oh my god." Not saying a word I turn her around with her back against my front and I rip her dress off her body. "(Moans) Don't hold back." She pushes her ass closer to my front and leans head back to whisper in my ear. "Fuck my papi."

"Mmmm.. The kid isn't coming home tonight.. He's staying with my mom."

"Okay." I lift her up and carry her to the kitchen.
"(Gasps) The bedroom is that way." She points.

"I know where it's at.. I want you in the kitchen." I say once I put her on the counter top.

"And I want you inside of me." She gets down and take me in her mouth.

"(Moans) Fuck Gina.. Ah!! Mmm.. Shhhhhit." It's embarrassing on how fast I came.

"Mmmm.. You taste amazing... And you came fast."

"(Pants) I'm sorry.. It's just it's been a long time and I'm.."

"It's okay.. Here.." Says fixing my pants and fixing her dress..

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Fixing my dress and my hair.. Dinner is waiting for us baby."

"We're not going."

"We and have sex later but we need to eat."

"So you're just going to take me like that and just.. What??? I can't have a taste of you?"

"My forbidden fruit is always welcome to you but we have to go."

"Mmmm... I'm not hungry for food.."

"I am.. Not let's go papi." She says and she looks back at me with a smirk.

"That's not funny." I say and we walk out the door.


"(Laughs) I remember and that was so funny." Regina says.

"Yeah.. It was and I remember when you was always trying.."

"Regina!" I hear a man interrupt us.

"Shit!" Regina whispers. "Jason hi."

"Hey.. How have you been?" He asks and they seem pretty close and I have to admit.. I'm a bit jealous.

"I'm fine thank you."

"I miss you and we heard you wasn't coming back it was hard to believe."

"Uh Jason I really have to go."

"Oh hi." He says looking at me. "I don't think we have met.. What's you name?"

"Emma.. I'm Regina's friend."

"Oh well it is nice to meet you.. Regina call me."

"Bye Jason." He walks off and I notice we have reached the restaurant.. So I go over and hold the door open for Regina.

"Thank you."

"Yeah." I say looking away from her.

"Emma what's wrong?"

"Nothing.. Oh yes hi, table for Swan and Mills please?"

"Yes ma'am right this way."

"Emma?" Regina says.

"Can I have a beer and red wine for Miss Mills?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Emma what's wrong with you?? What happened just now?"

"Nothing Regina and on second thought.. Excuse me ma'am, can we get that order Togo?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Emma wait a second what's happening?"

"Nothing I told you.. I'm just tired okay.. I'm going home.. I'll drop you am off frost and then I'm going to go back to my mom's house."

"Here you go ma'am.. You have a nice day."

"Thank you and add it to my credit card."

"Yes ma'am." She says and get up and walk to the door and Regina follows me.

"Emma stop and look at me." She says but I keep walking. "Emma."

"What!?" I yell.

"What is your problem?? One minute we're talking and having a good time and the next you're pissed."

"Well maybe I'm just tired and want to go home."

"That's bull shit.. You're mad about Jason."

"Oh so you were fucking him."

"Fuck your for thinking that.. I told you that I haven't been with anyone and here you go thinking that I'm lying.. You know what.. I am ready to go home.. And for your information he is obsessed with me.. He misses me working at your club.. But I don't work there anymore.. Are you happy now???" She asks and I didn't respond.. "Fuck you Emma.. I can find my on way home." She waves her hand and a taxi stops in from of her..

"Sorry she doesn't need a taxi.. Here's $40 bucks for stopping.. Thank you."

"I'm not getting the car with you.. I'll walk." She says.

"I'm not letting the mother of my child walk in the cold and walk with those heels on.. Get in the car."

"No." She says and she keeps walking.

"Regina you can either get in the car or I will put you in there."

"Don't touch me.. Goodnight Miss Swan." She walks off and I grab her and pin her to my truck. "(Gasps) Mmm.. Miss Swan." She whispers.

"Don't call me Miss Swan because all it does is make me want to fuck you.. And I will right here in this fucking parking lot.. Now get in the car so I can drive you home."

"Yes papi." She smiles and gets in the car..

SwanQueen : Save Me Regina MillsWhere stories live. Discover now