Chapter 2

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It's been two weeks since Ry and I made it official. Things have been going smoothly and I've been falling head over heels for this girl. Currently we're at the mall shopping for our couples trip to Belize. We leave in two weeks and I could not wait to have Ry all to myself. Even though she's my girl, I still had to ask her to go as my date. That's just me. I'm a romance guy and I'm not afraid to show it.

"Do you like this?" She said coming out the fitting room showing me her outfit

"Do you like this?" She said coming out the fitting room showing me her outfit

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"I do. It's not to much and it looks comfortable." I said watching her take a look at herself in the mirror

"Yea. Okay, so I got everything now. My swimsuits came in the mail yesterday and I cannot wait to wear them." She said twerking in the mirror

"Yea I can't wait to see you in it either. In fact I'd love to take it off you. I insist." I said jokingly

"Baby, you can't handle lil' ol me." she said walking to me, now sitting on my guy purposely, facing me

"You better lift up before it be a porno back here." I said seductively up against her neck

"You call a good game Mr. Jackson." She said then kissed on my neck

This girl has been doing shit like this for the past week! I don't wanna seem down but I don't wanna rush into it with her, but here she is showing me she's ready. I mean if she throwing it right now, do I catch it? I need my guys I cannot wait for this trip.

"Stop talking yo shit girl." I shouted at her making her laugh


We were finally done at the mall and made our way back to my house. We're trying to pack accordingly but mama need to pick not choose everything she sees because she needs it.

"Bae, you done your packing?" She yelled from my closet

"No I gotta get some hoodies and more sneakers. I'll be ready by the time trip comes." I said sitting on the glass mirror counter

"Okay, I'm excited to be going on this trip and to be with you."
She said wrapping her arms around my neck and standing between my legs while I grabbed onto her booty.

"I'm excited to be with you. I can't wait for us to spend some time together this could be like a couples thing we do every year." I said looking down at her

It was automatic for me to ease in and kiss her. I really like kissing and lucky for me so does she

We're quickly interrupted my her phone going off. Picking it up seeing the screen read Cree I passed her, her phone and decided to get myself prepared for the studio.


"Hey girl." I say answering the phone

"Hey you busy? I need fit help. I bought a whole bunch of fits for the trip and I need help picking." Cree said

"I'll be there in 15 min." I said followed by me hanging up

"Babe I'm going to Cree's for a few hours. I'll text you." I said grabbing his face and kissing him

"Okay, guess I'll invite the guys over." He said sound sad

"I'll be back, I still have to finish packing before the start of my crazy schedule tomorrow."

"Yea I know. Then I'll head back to the mall and finish my last minute shopping." He said

"Make up your mind now baby." She said laughing

"Is it bad I don't want you to leave?" He said holding onto me

"It's not bad but to make it in this life and it's good to give your spouse space. I don't want a damaged relationship." I kissed him again and made my way out the closet and soon; out the door

Call me mean if you want. Right now it maybe cute for us to wanna always be up under each other, but what happens when the other person feels smothered? That's normally why people have problems.

I just don't want us to get to comfortable knowing we gotta work. Specially when for the next 2 weeks up until the day before we leave for the trip we gone be working. Between his interviews, performances, photoshoots and my photoshoots and interviews. We would barely even had a second to talk. Maybe between breaks but that's about it. I'll ease up on him just a bit. I do feel like that was a bit harsh.

Arriving at Cree's, we went straight to work. I made her try on all her fits so our choosing would be easy. I double pack during trips like this so I suggested her to do the same. We're girls we should have fit changes on vaca.

"Make sure to get your shoes soon cause before you know it, our asses will be boarding our flights." I said swaying my hair

" I said swaying my hair

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"Yea your right. I'm more of an late packer so I'm surprised that I'm basically done with the exception of my shoes."

"Yea well I'm finished packing, I just gotta now organize my stuff so everything can fit."

I pack a lot but I make it fit.

"So girly what's been up with you? I haven't heard much from you since we went to the club." She said taking a seat at the island

"Girl, I've been working for the most part. It's so hectic sometimes and I be so tired from the jet lag it doesn't even make sense." I said semi telling the truth

Me and Trevor haven't talked about telling our friends about our relationship. We haven't even talked going public either. I made an mental note to have a talk with him about later when I go back to his house.

"I hear you but girl, you better make time for yourself." She said

All of a sudden her phone started going off, and me being nosey I quickly glanced down to see her screen reading Jacob 🥰.

"BITCH!!!" I screamed at her

"You and Jacob are doing a thing?! When did that even happen? How did you even get his number!?!?" I rambled off I was happy for my friend. I just didn't know that Jacob was her type.

"Well we started talking the night after the club. We seen each other at Springfield Mall and just decided to exchange numbers. I didn't know that Trevor invited him until we started talking about traveling to the same place and also the dates were the same." she said blushing

"Girl, I didn't even know Jakey jake was your type." I teased

"Girl, I knew Trevor was your type." She said

"Skrrrtttt-t-t-t-t. Hoe don't come for me." I said holding my hand out at her

We spent the next three in half hours catching up and talking about the trip. I was excited to be going through this experience. This made me plan some ideas with this "couples trip." Me and Trevor, Cree and Jacob. Next I'll find out Cori is marrying Dan. That would be cute but, geez.

(My first couple of chapters will remain as short as they are up until chapter 10)

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