Chapter 8

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Waking up out of my sleep, I checked the time that read 4:35am. This is the third time this week that I have woken up this early. I sat up carefully not to wake Trevor. Grabbing my phone and tip toeing to my stash bag. Grabbing it, I walked out the bedroom and outside where the balcony was, taking a seat. Sitting my phone and bag in my lap. I closed my eyes and took a breathe enjoying the breeze. Going through my bag to find my freshly rolled blunt. I pulled it out and lit it. Inhaling and exhaling I suddenly I received a FaceTime call from an unsaved number.

Incoming call
Putting my finger over the camera and answering, Cashmere's face popped up on the screen.

I was so confused as to how he got my number. Why would he be calling me?

"Riley?" He said as I forgot that my finger was covering the camera

"Oh, hey." I said removing my finger revealing my face

"Is this a bad time?" He said

"It's five o'clock in the morning where I'm at. How did you get my number?" I said pulling a drag from the blunt

"Oh my bad. My manager found it for me. I'm calling because, for the last few days I've been getting up early mornings for no reason. I wanted to see if it's the same for you?" He said scratching the back of his head

Makes sense. April third is when our OB announced that our baby was dead. Stillbirth she called it. With everything going on I haven't even been able to look closely at the calendar. I haven't even thought about when I would meet up with him.

"It has been the same for me." I said pulling from my L

" So, I seen that you seen my message.. so?" He asked waiting for a response

"We can meet Ill let you know when I'm back in the A."

"Okay that's fine. Talk to you soon." I said hanging up quickly

I didn't want to stay on the phone with him to long because it gets to emotional for me. I also didn't want Trevor to see me on the phone with him.

"That was awkward." I heard Trevor say from behind me making me jump a little

"Oh, hey I didn't know you were up. I came out here to get some air and I couldn't sleep so I came out here to smoke but I got a call from Cashmere and I told him that I'd meet him when we got back to the A." I said truthfully

"I went to wrap my arms around you but you weren't there." He said nodding than taking the blunt from my hand

I'm glad he didn't blow up like I thought about the whole Cashmere thing. I honestly didn't want it to be a thing. I hope we can just have this date and moment. So when we do see each other it'll be more focused on us.

"Yes I know but until then. Let's enjoy our baeca." I said kissing him

"Yea, you still tired?" He asked as I put out the blunt

"Yea just the weed kind of enhanced it." I said laughing with him laughing too

"Well let's go back to bed." He suggested holding his arm out

"I'll take you up for it." I said holding onto him

Getting in the bed we didn't fall asleep right away. Some people would think it's odd but we just caressed each other until one fell asleep.

Which was me by the way.


Waking up out of my sleep I checked the time that read 11:56am. I noticed that Trevor wasn't in the bed anymore, so I got up to look around our villa.

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