Chapter 10

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Sitting in the high stool chair, I fixed my dress yet again. I was nervous and I didn't understand why? Maybe because it's been 3 years since we've been in the same room face to face with each other. We were meeting at a diner and it was pretty late though.. 11:27pm to be exact. I decided we could go to my "clubhouse" and figure this out. So he and I both can move forward in our lives.

Knocking me out my thoughts, I heard the bell from the door chime. Looking the direction, it was the devil himself and he was extremely handsome.

He was dressed pretty chill but he was more buffer and broader this time around. His masculinity was really showing. He looked around before making eye contact with me. My heart immediately started pounding the closer he got.

Taking his seat, while giving me a warm smile. I cleared my throat and began to speak

"Hey, long time, long see." I said starting off than I suddenly seen a quick flash from across the diner.

"Yea, you look even more beautiful than I remember." He said making be blush a little

"Let's get out of here, I seen two reporters hiding in the bushes on the side door waiting for us to come out. Did you drive yourself?" I asked

"No, my driver drove me here." He said a tad confused

"Come on. Move fast and come with me and put your hood on." I said grabbing my bag and making my way to the door with Cashmere hot on my tail

Pushing the unlock button on my keys to my Range Rover, I drove off the lot and to my clubhouse. I call it a club house cause this where I throw parties and stuff at it's an apartment but I have it for safety measures.

Pulling up to the apartment building I scanned my card key to the parking garage and proceeded to pull in.

"My mom lives here now." He said looking out the window

"Really? What floor?" I asked parking my truck

"Nineteenth." He said as we both got out

"Oh, y'all big balling." I said jokingly

"I mean my job pays me greatly so I moved her closer to my home." He said following me to the elevator while removing his hood

"You live here too?" I asked a tad bit surprised he seems more like an LA resident. No shade I promise.

"Yea same building. I live on the twenty-fifth." He said calmly

With him pressing the button to the twenty-fifth floor, I got a bit nervous at how the tables just turned. I felt more comfortable in a spot that I knew and my apartment was better. I fixed my dressed and tucked my hair while adjusting my bag.

I couldn't help but feel his eyes burning a hole through the side of my face. I turned and looked at him and I honestly wish I hadn't. Have you ever loved someone so hard, that when your hurt by them.. you accept their flaws, you love them as the person that they are trying to be. You love HARDER. I loved Cashmere so deeply and I felt something when I looked at him. The bad part is that, I know he did too.

Finally getting to his floor, the bell going off broke our tension, he signaled for me to go first and I did. Then I followed him to his door. My heart was pounding and I was becoming scared but nervous about going in HIS apartment. Mine is on the Sixteenth floor and I'd rather be there than here. I trust him right? I guess? I mean it's only been three years since we've been together. He's not a complete stranger.

He unlocked and opened his door letting me in first. I was appalled to see how clean his apartment is. Obviously he paid for cleaners.

"I like your place." I said looking around

His Peace | Trevor JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now