Chapter 10.5

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Waking up to the sound of movement, I seen that Cashmere wasn't in the bed anymore. I heard voices and shuffling coming from the bathroom. Sneaking to the  outside of the bathroom door I overheard Cash on the phone.

"I can't even believe it. I really do still love her. I can't deny that. We just.. must've need that space to realize that." I heard him say, making me smile a little

"She's dating Trevor Jackson. How could you not be mad right now?" I heard her say

She was always over protective when it comes to her "baby". Like ma'am I'm the one that he come home too. I got the ring and baby and for some reason you still think your son is your husband. That's not it wit me.

"It's the blogs, I don't care about that shit. Shaderoom dropped the pictures from us at the diner last night and we was there all of five minutes." He said sounding a bit irritable

"I'm your manager but your mom first. I'm just making sure your feelings don't get hurt that's all." She said trying to "make sense"

"Yea, but you keep confusing the two." He said before I heard the call end

I instantly ran to the bed. Pretending to be productive on my phone.

I seen that he looked uneasy but when we made eye contact, I literally seen his pupils dilate.

"Good Morning." I said smiling

It was going on 10:30am and I was honestly still tired. I just wanted to get my feelings together by Monday. So, whatever he was thinking or wanted to ask and vice versa, we was gone get the bottom of it because I still couldn't let go how Trevor just ended it! We were fucking good bro and I could not wait to see him again. Then my mind went back to Cashmere saying that shaderoom posted us last night. Shit maybe that's why he broke things off with me.

"Morning, how was your sleep?" He asked getting back in bed and under the blanket

"It was alright, I'm still tired though." I said honestly

He sighed than moved closer to me laying on my stomach wrapping his arms around me.

My heart was racing a bit and my breathing was becoming uneasy but I was focusing my best on controlling it.

"What are we doing?" He said sighing

"I don't know Cash... I love you so much that it hurts." I started , I felt the tears and they were about to pour

"I really want us back but can we really do this? Can we still go on with our lives? I add Amari to my plans as if he's here. I-I cannot forget the hurtful things you said to me. You were my person. I trusted you and you hurt me" I said crying, but wiping my tears as I expressed my hurt

"I know, you hurt me too. No, I'm not saying two wrongs make a right because look where we at now. I planned the rest of my life with you and I gotta find somebody new?" He said as he sat up expressing himself.

"I know what I said was fucked up and I apologize for letting my feelings take over  that I had to become cruel to you instead of accepting the fact that my son died." He said

At this point his eyes were glossy. I know his tears were coming. This was a touchy subject but this where everything went left. We gotta start where it hurts so we can move past this.

"Your right. I accept your apology. I know this will be hard for us but we got to ad least try. We feel that and I don't want for us to keep coming across each other like this anymore." I said

I did accept it because he didn't have to apologize. That's was a step. If we can keep up our emotions and speak through communication than we will work out no problem.

"Sooo." He said making his way back over towards me and leaning in "How about we make this work?" He said an inch away from my lips

Y'all, this was some sexy ass shit. I think it's the "babydaddy affect" these other babymamas be talking about.

"Well let's make this work than." I said sitting face to face in his lap

He automatically went in for a kiss. Let me tell you it's been a WHILE since ya girl had some male attention and I honestly felt like Cash is the only guy who can make me feel this way. Not even Trevor has made me feel this and he was suppose to be my boyfriend but its cool. I got my babydaddy back and I won't make no mistake.


Leading the guys to my new house , I turned the radio up as I turned down highland st. So, I bet you guys are wondering what happened? Yea , long story short I got the biggest deal that basically just changed my life but I start literally tonight. I couldn't do this weekend the right way if me and Ry were in a relationship. I know about her past and of course now she knows about Z but I'd be mad if I was cheated on and vice versa so after drinking a whole bottle of tequila I sent a message to end things. Then shortly after I sent the message I seen pictures of her and Cashmere at the diner. I wouldn't be back in Atlanta for about another eight months so, I guess this would be my new start.

Pulling up to my new crib I walked into the empty space. I didn't really know if ending things between Ry and I was a good move but it was definitely to late to turn back now.

"So, this is it huh?" She asked tapping my shoulder

"Yea, it is. " I said sitting the box down on the floor

"Well, it's been a nice run with you but I gotta get going." She said now facing me

"Yea it has, thank you for being so understanding and helping me move." I said holding my arm to hug her

"I don't think we should.." she said making me twist my face but understanding

"Not a problem. See you around Z." I said waving her off with her walking off and waving back

I invited Zendaya over my hotel last night and we had a conversation. A long one.. that led us to have sex. I'm pretty fucked up but I'll get over it. My focus will be mainly going to this movie I'll be shooting and my music.

I was amped about this. So amped that I found a condo and was ready to start my life over. To bigger and better.

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