Searching answers

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"So do you have time for a short interview? Perfect." the reporter asked (Y/N). "I did not say yes." "However I have a question for you: You are called (Y/N), right?" "I am." "Ok, so you have won every duel we have seen from you so far, how does it feel to be qualified for the fortune cup?" "...I... don't want to answer this question..." "(Y/N)?" the reporter asked. "I said I don't want to answer that question" you repeated. "Further interviewing seems pointless to me. I'm off" you finished walking to your changing room leaving behind a confused reporter with her camera man. But when you opened the door you saw Akiza sitting in your changing room. "Hey (Y/N)!" "H-Hi." you answered surprised. "I thought it would be better to clear things up right now, not tonight." "So that's what you thought, hu? Forget about it. Leave my room, please. Now." "What's up with that? Why can't we just -" "Leave." you repeated now with a sharper voice. "Hm. I will do you this favour. But if you don't talk to me tonight -" "I will be there." you interrupted her. "I hope so" she said while leaving your room.
"What was that?" you questioned yourself. "Why was she in my room? Did she alraedy found out about me?" "Don't panic (Y/N). Maybe it was just coincidence." There it was again: Flieme's voice.
"I hope you're right. And I hope she really comes tonight." "She will come. Women always want to know everything." "What do you know about girls?" you asked sarcastic. "Don't be so rude. I just wanted to encourage you a bit." Flieme answered a bit pissed. "Worked out perfectly" you said as your deck stopped glowing...
Tonight (Y/N) and Akiza met at the stadium just like they said.
"So why didn't you want to talk in your room?" The red haired girl asked. "I wanted to be prepared" "Prepared, hu? So now you have to answer my questions. You promised it." "I will. But you will answer my question first: Why are you so interested in me?" "Maybe it's because your looking so good." she answered making a funny face. "I will make this clear now. I did not come here to hear jokes. You know about me. And I know about you aswell." "What do you mean (Y/N)?" Aki asked. "You are a psychic duelist, aren't you?" you said "And you are one aswell" she finished. "I have been doing some research on you but I could not find anything (Y/N). Why is that? I mean, you're a really powerful duelist, so..." "I don't want to talk about my past. Not now" "But you said -" "I said NOT NOW!" you told her a bit angry. "Sorry, I did not want to shout at you" you apologized immediately. But to your surprise she did not care about your outbreak "It's ok. I don't want to talk about my past either" "Oh. Seems we have something in common" you joked.
"I guess..." she said. "So tell me (Y/N) where did you find that crazy deck you 're using?" "I... I gathered it over the years." That wasn't really the truth but it wasn't a lie either. "I also want to ask you something, Akiza." "Really? Whatis it?" "I saw you in my dreams. Or at least your dragon." "What do you mean by that?" she asked confused. "Exactly what I'm saying." "And was there something special about that dream?" "Beside the fact I saw you and your crazy dragon? No, not really. I just wantedto ask if you had a similar dream?" "I hate to break it to you, but no, I did not have such a dream." "Hm. Maybe it was imagination." "I guess so. So since we are already here why don't we go eating together?" Akiza asked you with a big smile on her face.
"Oh. O-Ok." you said while you blushed. "I heard you were new in the city. Someone has to show you the best places" she told you. "Wow she really did some research" you thought as the two of you walked to a restaurant.
After a delicious meal (Y/N) and Akiza decided to chill at a big park in the city. "You know (Y/N) I am part of a big thing" "Really?" "At least most people say so. It has something to do with my birthmark." "You mean that red tatoo that started shining when you called out your black rose dragon?" "Yes. There are four other persons who have a similar mark. Most people call the five of us 'Signers'." "I guess that's kind of a cool name" you smiled. Akiza turned to you "I-I can't help but I think you have something to do with it. Something told me you would understand me." Akiza whispered in your ear. Now it striked you like a lightning. "Come to my home with me." I want to show you something." You told her "Isn't that a bit too fast? I mean we only know each other for one day, so..." "You've just reminded me of something. Please come with me. I promise it won't take long." you asked her with a nearly begging voice. "Ok. I will come with you, but..." "But what?" "I hope it's interesting because I am really tired, (Y/N)" "As I said it won't take long. Now come" you finished.
As you arrived at your apartment Akiza was impressed "So thisis where you're living (Y/N)? You must be rich!" "Being rich and being happy are two very different things, Akiza" you said lost in thoughts a bit. "What do you mean by tha-" "Come in now. " "Ok, ok" she said placatory. "So what do you wanted to show me?" She asked. "This." you answered while taking of your shirt. "Erh, (Y/N)? What are you doing?" "Don't get the wrong idea here, Akiza" you told her with a serious voice while you showed her your back. "What do you wanted to show me now? I mean it looks quite athletic and the tatoo is also quite cool but -" "It is no tatoo" you interrupted her. "It is a birthmark. Similar to yours." you ended pointing at the mark of a blue and white dragon on your back...

//Hey, I hope you liked the new chapter! I know there is no duel or anything like that in this chapter but I wanted to focus on Akizas and (Y/N)s relationship and (Y/N)s background. I don't know if the next chapter is going contain a duel or if it just will be another relationship chapter, so stay tuned ;)
Also happy new year to everyone!//

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