Going through hell and back

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Akiza screamed in panik as you sank to the floor unconscious.
"(Y/N)! Are you ok? (Y/N) ANSWER ME!" Yusei shouted at you after he had seen you, lying in the dirt.
But you didn't realise any of all the trouble...

"(Y/N). Wake up." you heard a gentle voice in all of the darkness. "Flieme? Is that you?" you asked.
"Yes. (Y/N), can you hear me?" "Obviously. What just happened, Flieme? Tell me!"
"You are currently unconscious. You've been pushed too far in your duel against Yusei." your dragon explained.
"Don't tell me I lost against him?!" you asked again.
"No. You won. But we have other problems to worry about now."
"What exactly?"
"They are coming."
"Who are you referring to?" you said, confused.
"The counterparts to your friends. The dark signers."
"The dark signers? Where have I heard that name again?
Ah, yes, didn't Yusei wanted me to join their group to defeat those guys?"
"Correct. (Y/N). I know what you are thinking."
"That I will just defeat them no problem? And that you worry yourself for no reason?"
"Open your eyes and you'll see what I mean." your dragon told you.
As you opened your eyes, they filled with fear, however only for a second.
"I'm in a hospital. Flieme, why am I in a hospital?!"
"I already told you. You got unconscious. "
"Shit! Why don't I have my duel disk with me?!"
"Come down. It's laying on the table, right next to you." Flieme said, rolling his eyes.
"Don't joke around here. You said they are coming. I can only defend myself by duelling. I had every right to panic!"
"Yeah, yeah. But..."
"No but here!" you said as you put your duel disk back on.
"So, now tell me. Why are you so afraid of those dark signers?"
"(Y/N), you know the Lightning Dragon world. My world. And you know the human world. Your world. But there are thi--"
Flieme stopped in the middle of his sentence as the door to your room was opened and a dark haired woman entered.
"Who are you?" you immediately asked in a cold tone.
"Well, well seems the princess is finally awake..." she grinned.
"I don't like to repeat myself. Who are you?"
"Who I am? The only thing you need to know is that I will be your doom."
"Well, I like all the dramatic shit talk you know, but I don't think you can defeat me." you said sarcastically.
"We'll see" she answered as her eyes turned dark black.
"She must be a dark signer! This is proof!" you thought to yourself.
"So, you want to duel a heavily injured man? Not the nicest thing to do, but I'm in!"
"I knew you would be." she said

"DUELL!" both of you shouted.

(Y/N) LP: 4000
Dark signer LP: 4000

"Ladies first. I set 1 monster face down. I then set a card facedown. Turn end."
"That's all? And you say you are a super dangerous dark signer? Let me show how you do this. My turn! I draw! I activate my spell card 'Trace of a Legend"!

I use it to summon Lightning Dragon Baby from my hand and Keeper of the Lightning Dragon from my deck! Now the two unite to form a greater power! Cut the skies and show us your power! Level 8 Lightning Dragon Seey! I banish Lightning Dragon Elder ...

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I use it to summon Lightning Dragon Baby from my hand and Keeper of the Lightning Dragon from my deck!
Now the two unite to form a greater power! Cut the skies and show us your power! Level 8 Lightning Dragon Seey! I banish Lightning Dragon Elder to destroy your face down monster! Now elder's effect adds Lightning Dragons Defender to my hand."
"Since Reptilianne Naga was destroyed I activatemy trap! Snake Arrows! I special summon another Naga from my deck!" your opponent interrupted you.
"Seems you're finally duelling too. Well, but I'll blow this little snake away! Go, Battle Phase! Seey attack her Naga!" you said as your dragon shot a beam out of his mouth.
But the snake girl didn't explode.
"I'm sorry (Y/N). But Reptialianne Naga can't be destroyed by battle. Now its second effect! Your dragon's ATK become 0!"
"What?!" you screamed out as Seey's ATK fell.
"Not bad. You got me this time. But don't think I'll lose here!" you said. "I set 2 cards face down, ending my turn."
"Time to really show our power to you..." the mysterious woman said.
"My turn! Draw! I activate 'Reptilliane Spawn'! I banish my Reptilianne Naga to special summon two reptilianne tokens in defense position! Next I activae the field spell 'earthbound geoglyph'!"
The floor started to shake and you saw a dark purple birthmark gleaming on the woman's arm as a giant purple beam suddenly appeared in the sky.
"I now sacrifice my two Reptilliane Tokens! After 5000 years the gate to the netherworld opens again! Come  forth! Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua!" She shouted as her mark started glowing even brighter and a giant green reptile revealed itself and looked through the window.
"What... is this?!" you asked confused and in fear.
"This, (Y/N). Is an Earthbound Immortal. I told you I am your doom. Now, battle! Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua, atack his Dragon!"
The giant reptile turned around and destroyed Flieme while completely obliterating the wall.
A little piece of glass hit your face, causing a wound next to your eye. "Is she a psychic duelist?! Why do I feel real pain in this duel?" you wondered as you were pushed against a wall.

(Y/N) LP: 4000 --> 1200

"You don't seem as strong as everyone told me...
I set one card face down and end my turn." she grinned.
You felt anger rising. "NO (Y/N)! Don't use that power! It's too dangerous right now. You could destroy everything and everyone in here!" Flieme tried to stop you.
"I will definetely not lose against this psycho!" you screamed at him in your thoughts as you got up again and your eyes turned bright blue.
"My... TURN! I draw!" You shouted.
You looked at your hand.
"Did you finally realise you can't win against us?" the woman asked you.
"I don't even dare. I will now show you the true power, I've been gifted! I special summon Keeper of the Lightning Dragon by banishing Elder! Now elders effect adds Paladin to my hand. I special summon Paladin and use its effect to make it level 4. I use the effect of the second banished elder to add the spell card 'RUM Lightning Storm' to my hand! I overlay my level 4 Keeper and my level 4 Paladin! Descend from the furious sky slicing the air! Rank 4 Lightning Dragon Leyin! I use it's effect to special summon Lightning Dragon Baby from my hand! Baby's effect now activates! I add 'Return of the Lightnings' to my hand. I now activate it! I special summon Keeper back on my field. I now use my facedown card: 'Second Lightning'!

I discard RUM Lightning Storm to activate Leyins effect once more! I special summon Lightning Dragon Wizard from my hand

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I discard RUM Lightning Storm to activate Leyins effect once more! I special summon Lightning Dragon Wizard from my hand. Wizards effect adds Lightning Dragon Fliemes Fury to my hand. Come out, circuit that connects past present and future in a raging storm! I set the link markers with Keeper, Leyin, Wizard and Baby!
Link Summon! Link -4 Lightning Dragon Flieme!" you put out everything you had as Flieme roared.
"Now I activate the spell card I just added: Fliemes Fury! I use it to destroy your earthbound immortal! Also Flieme gains 500 ATK!"
"Too bad!" the woman interrupted you. "When my Earthbound Immortal is destroyed all cards on the field are too! Forget about winning! I was told you would have never lost! But you are weak compared to our-"
"I'm weak? Don't you dare call me weak! I activate my second face down card! Lightning Dragon Soul Sacrifice! I reduce my LP to 1 but Flieme isn't destroyed!"

(Y/N) LP:  1200 --> 0001

"I-I-Impossible!" the woman screamed in fear as the giant reptile fell and scattered on the ground.
"I'll end you now! I banish Return of the Lightnings to special summon Paladin back on my field!"
"No! IT CAN'T BE!"
"BATTLE! Paladin attacks you directly!"

??? LP: 4000 --> 2200

"No... don't kill me! I beg you!"
"This is your own fault! Go Flieme! Direct attack!" you shouted as your dragon unleashed a giant beam out of his mouth causing your opponent to be thrown into a wall, where she fell to the ground and started to glim in a soft light while you stood there, unable to understand what just happened...

//Heyyy! ^w^
FINALLY a new update! I hope you're all satisfied (at least a bit) now and are all healthy!
I don't want to talk to much about the new chapter here I just wanted to tell you all 3 things:
1. Stay inside!
2. Stay healthy!
3. Don't panic!

As everything else the Coronavirus is also not supposed to last till eternity, so please make sure to watch for yourself and other!
Love you all! //

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