The Lightning Legacy

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"That... That is a birthmark?" Akiza asked (Y/N). "Do you want to see proof?" "No, I believe you. But... what does this mean?" "I don't know" you admitted. "Your birthmark glows red when you're dueling. Mine too." "What? I did not see that?" Aki asked you confused. "Obviously. It's on my back so you weren't able to see it from your perspective." "Your eyes glow in a dangerous light too" she said. "Hm. You said something about 5 over 'signers'. Others who have a similar mark." "I did. I will arrange a meeting so you get to know each other. I think this is all connected in a way!" she told you happily. "Er...ok" you answered. "(Y/N)?" "Akiza?" "I-I wanted to tell you something. Since I first saw you I had... a strange feeling. And it got even worse in our duel although you pushed me that hard" she smiled "Strange isn't it? I never thought I would meet someone like you. You know you're a psychic duelist too and you have that mark and everything... I think I'm in love" she laughed quietly. You blushed. "T-Thank you. I-I don't know what to say right now... But I have to say I also like you Aki" you finished. "Really?" "Really." She hugged you and you hugged her back as a warm, comfortable feeling spread in your heart. "Is this love? I've never experienced this feeling before?" you asked yourself as you made a decision. "Akiza?" "Yes
(Y/N)?" "I want to show you something." "Again?" she asked with a smirk. "Sit down" you said as you set on your sofa. "Ok." "Take my hand." you told her as your deck started glowing. "What's that?"she asked a bit afraid. "Don't worry. Trust me" you said. "Ok" "Flieme. Flieme. Flieme!" you screamed in your thoughts. "I'm here" you heard a voice telling you as Akiza looked around surprised. "There's no one here. It's my card speaking in our heads." you explained.
"So you must be Akiza. Hm. Since I see you now I definitely know why (Y/N) was so curious about you. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. You must be Flieme, (Y/N)s ace." Akiza asnwered telepathically. "She has already understood how it works!" you thought.
"If you say so. So why did you call me (Y/N)? You never talk to me if you don't have a reason."
"Funny today, hu? I wanted to introduce you two to each other. I... I need you to be with me when I tell her..."
"Tell what?" Flieme and Aki asked nearly simultaneously.
"...about our past." you ended.
"I thought you did not want to..." Akiza asked, but you interrupted her: "Now I want to. I have a feeling I can trust you."
"You should not miss this opportunity Akiza. He doesn't talk about his past often." Flieme explained to her.
"Oh. Ok"
"You know that my name is (Y/N), right? Well that's probably all you know about my past. You know I have a quite painful past. Maybe you've already asked yourself why I could relate to your family situation so good. You know, I had a... let's say... difficult childhood. My parents often argued and one day I ran away fron home."
"That must have been a shock for them"
"I don't know" you confessed.
"I then lived on the streets for about one year. Then something happened that changed my life. I met a man"
"And he gave you Flieme?"
"No. He took me with him. He was the last keeper of the Lightning Dragon Legacy. He was really old then already.  He took me to a dojo far away in the mountains."
"So he trained you?"
"Yes. He taught me everything I know. Dueling, living, absolutely everything. He also did physical training with me."
"So that's why you are so athletic." "Thanks for the compliment. Yeah, I think this also has something to do with him. And then some day he gave me a map."
"A map?" Akiza asked.
"A map." (Y/N) responded. "And he told me to travel to the place he marked on the map. And so did I.
When I arrived there, I found a temple. And inside the temple there was the Lightning Dragon deck."
"So you then went back to him?"
"I did. But when I arrived home I-I... I found him laying in his bed fighting death. I tried everything to save him, but... I failed. I FAILED!" you screamed the last words.
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry. It was my fault not yours. When he died I had no reason to stay at the dojo so I made my way back to my parent's house."
"So you met them again?"
"If only. They died two years before I came back" you said with a bitter voice. "They were killed. By one of Goodwins Asassins!" "Goodwin? You mean Rex Goodwin?"
"I'm absolutely convinved he gave the order to kill them. But when I tried to confront him for the first time he played dirty on me. I lost the duel. And what's even worse: I lost control over my revenge feelings."
"How do you mean that (Y/N)?"
"I am a powerful psychic duelist with a extremely powerful deck as you should know by now. In my rage a dueled many innocent people and sometimes I hurt them real bad in the duels. Until... I focused again. I moved here to not only get revenge but also to get my life in a order."
"Wow. I admire you."
"What? Why?" you asked very confused.
"You have overcome many horrible phases in your life by your own power."
"Thank you."
"One last question (Y/N)."
"What was the name of your 'mentor' at the dojo?"
"Phoenix. His name was Phoenix. Just like the bird rising from the ashes. By the way,  thank you for listening to me. I feel better now."
"I have to thank you for revealing that much of your past to me." she smiled. " I think my job's done here" Flieme said as your deck stopped glowing.
"It's raining outside. You should stay at my home for tonight." you said lost in thoughts.
"Seems like a good idea to me." Akiza answered. 
After the two of you had dinner you sat down on the sofa next to each other. "Do you feel it?" you asked. "Yes. This must be what they call love, hu?" "I guess" you laughed. After about half an hour you noticed something touching your shoulder and saw that Akiza had fallen asleep. "Love... that must be it..." you whispered as you kissed her on her cheeck. Then you fell asleep yourself, but captured a short image of your deck glowing in a bright blue while you felt a warm feeling you hadn't felt for a long time...

//Hey everyone! I decided to make this chapter another 'relationship'/background chapter but I can tell you the next one will contain another duel! I hope you enjoyed reading so far! Feel free to leave me a comment with some feedback so I know how to improve ;) //

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