Lightning VS Blackwing

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When you woke up the next morning you noticed some incredible smell. You walked into your kitchen and saw your new girlfriend preparing some pancakes for breakfast. "So you're finally awake (Y/N)." "Yeah. Why are you cooking?" "Why not? You've let me sleep at your home, so I thought it would be fair to do something in exchange?" Akiza asked. "Of course. I just thought you would maybe want to tell your friends where you are?" "I've already told them via email. No need to worry." "Oh, OK." "Sit down (Y/N). I'm almost finished." As you sat down you looked at Akiza. "Did that really happen last night? Why did I tell her so much about my past? And why did I feel so good after telling her?" "Pancakes are served." Aki said as she put the plate on the desk. "Thank you" you said. "So... you have your next duel today, haven't you (Y/N)?" "Damn! I almost forgot!" you said. "It's against Crow Hogan, isn't it?" she asked. "Yep." "Then I really have to think about who I will cheer" "Why? Is he a signer?" "He is. But I'll probably cheer you up." She smiled. "Thanks. That means a lot to me" you answered as you ate your last pancake. "That was great. Thank you so much Akiza" you said. "You're welcome."
The two of you talked to each other a short time until about 12 am. "Let's go." "Sure (Y/N)." You left the house and walked to the stadium while holding hands with Akiza. Then she said "Look! There he is!" She pointed at a guy with orange hair and something like metal earrings. "Hi Akiza!" he said with a happy voice. "Hi Crow." she answered. "This must be your new boyfriend, huh?" he said while looking at you, which made Akiza and you blush in a bright red. "Hi. I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you. You must be Crow." "I am. Nice to meet you too. You 'll be my opponent today right?" "Yes." "Then let's go. I am really fired up." "Oh, ok" you grinned. "See you later (Y/N)" Akiza said while the two of you shared a short kiss. Then she went off to the spectator seats. "Oh my. What have you done to her?" Crow laughed. "I don't know" you said whiel laughing too.
You entered your changing room and dressed for the match while taking a last look at your deck. "I hope you're all ready" you said as you entered the battlefield.
"Hey (Y/N)! I'm really curious how your duel style is like. But my Blackwings are tough and tricky fighters! Let's go" Crow shouted. "Sure thing" you answered.
"Todays duell is Crow Hogan VS
(Y/N)!" the announcer said "I'm sure we will see an incredible duell today! Both duelists are ready so let's start things right away!
"Duel!" the both of you shouted.

Crow Hogan LP: 4000
(Y/N) LP: 4000

"I'll start things of today! First stop I activate 'Black Whirlwind'. Now I summon 'Pinaki The Waxing Moon' and use 'Black Whirlwind''s effect to add 'Blackwing Vayu The Emblem Of Honor' to my hand. Next stop I special summon 'Bora the Spear'! Pinaki The Waxing Moon tunes Bora the spear! I'm unleashing a storm of trouble! Synchro Summon! 'Assault Blackwing Raikiri the Rain Shower!' I now special summon Blackwing Kris the Crack of Dawn and Gale the Whirlwind! Gale the Whirlwind tunes Kris the Crack of Dawn! Master the Birds of Prey! Synchro Summon! Blackwing Tamer Obsidian Hawk Joe! Now I set one card facedown. Due to Pinakis effect I add another Bora the Spear to my hand. I end my turn." Crow ended.
"Wow. Two synchro summons in one turn. Not bad. But I'll take them on! My turn! I draw!" You shouted.
"First I activate 'Lightning Dragon Egg Charge' ,draw two cards and special summon Keeper from my hand.

"First I activate 'Lightning Dragon Egg Charge' ,draw two cards and special summon Keeper from my hand

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