The other signers

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"Hey! Are you (Y/N)?" you heard a voice asking as you stepped out of the changing room. "I am" you answered. "Nice to meet you! I'm Yusei and those are Jack, Leo and Luna! I think you've already dueled Crow." a young man with spiky black and yellow hair said. "Hi." "Wow, you really have defeated Crow AND Akiza?" a green haired boy asked you. "I do. But that doesn't mean anything... Leo was it?" "I haven't won against them ever! You must be really strong!" "Maybe. Anyway, you wanted to talk to me?" "Yes. Come with us" the blond guy -probably Jack- told you.
After you and the others sat down in a luxurious apartment Yusei started things up:" So, (Y/N) I heard you have a birthmark similar to our ones. Correct?" "Yes." "Would you show it to us?"
"Sure", you answered as you took of your shirt. "It really is special. But it is so different from the ones we have. " Luna said. "Hm" Yusei agreed as he looked at your back. "(Y/N)? May I ask you something?" "Sure, why not?" "I saw all of your duels in the cup. How is it possible that man with your skills has never shown up until now?"
"I don't know. Maybe I just got these skills" you answered.
"Very funny. You know that's a lie yourself." Jack interrupted.
"Maybe I just don't want to tell you. What do you even want? Why am I here?"
They looked at each other.
"You know, there's a big storm forming right above our heads. And we signers are chosen to save the city." Yusei explained.
"Erh... Ok" you said confused.
"It's true. Rex Goodwin gathered all of us-" "So you are working with him!" you yelled. You immediately put out your duel disk and felt an incredible anger rising in your heart. "I will not work together with anyone who-"
"We are not working with him. Please calm down" Akiza tried to soothe you. "We have no intention to fight you (Y/N). We just want to talk" Yusei said while you felt your heart nearly exploding with hatred. "(Y/N)." Akiza repeated while she was holding your hand which made you relax a bit. You took a deep breath. "Let me explain. Goodwin gathered us because we can only save the city if we work together. We wanted to ask if you were ready to do so too." "I can't tell you yet. Not until I have settled things between me and Goodwin. I have sworn to never form an alliance with my enemy. Maybe after the tournament and aftee I've got my revenge." "I can't force you (Y/N)." Yusei said.
You looked at Akiza.
"I'll think of it." you ended. "That's a start, isn't it?" Yusei said happily. "You can stay with us for tonight. Only if you want to of course." "Why not? Thanks" you answered.
After a delicious dinner you and the others went to bed when Leo came to the room you were staying in.
"(Y/N)?" "Yes Leo?" "I want to ask you something. Would you please duel me?" "Sorry?" "Don't play dumb. I asked you to duel me!" "Leo... haven't you seen my other duels?" "I have. But I'm not in the tournament you know. Look, your semi final in 2 days will be against Yusei and then you and Jack or Yusei and Jack will finally duel." "And now you also want to duel me." "Right." "That's very brave and everything, but not now. After the tournament ok?" "Do you promise this?" he asked. "I do." you smiled. "Hurra! Thank you! See you tomorrow! I'll train hard the next days so I can defeat you when we duel!" "That's the spirit! Good night!" you said as he left your room.

"(Y/N)?" "Yes?" "May I come in?" Akiza asked. "Sure." "You know,
(Y/N), I... I..." "Something up?" you askes her. "No. I just wondered if... if you could teach me to have such an intense connection with my deck as you have?" "That's it? I thought you did not want come up with some crazy stuff?" "So you can do this?" she asked hopefully. "No, I'm sorry. You can't teach such things. They come through time" "Oh, ok. Does it bother you when I stay here with you for a while?" she asked unsure. You laughed. "No, no problem"
After you talked to each other for some time you realized a worried look on your friend's face. "Yusei is strong, you know. Even if he and his deck don't look tough they really are a tough oppenent." "Why are you telling me this?" "I wanted to warn you. I still don't know about your crazy eyes when  you duel and I don't want either of you to get hurt."
"I think we are old enough to watch for ourselves. Don't worry." You smiled. "I do hope so." "I think it'll be a great duel. You better enjoy it." "I hope I'll do so." she yawned. "Tired?" "You bet I am. The last days have been crazy!" "You're definetely right about that." You said.
She layed down at your side. "Remember, you promised me to never let me alone again." she whispered. "And I'll keep this promise." you said as you put your arm around her and you shared one last kiss before the two of you fell asleep.

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