I'm not alone?

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Later that day Akiza and the other signers visited you.
"(Y/N)! Are you crazy?!" Yusei shouted the second he entered your room "You nearly destroyed the hospital!" "I guess" you grinned while still holding your arm you injured before. "I'm so glad you are fine" Akiza said while running to your bed and hugging you. "Fine? Well I don't think so" Jack said.
"Just a scratch" you said smiling at them. "I'll be fine in a bit. But what happened to your duel against the other guy Jack? I thought the semi-final should have been yesterday?" you asked.
Jack looked down while making a fist.
"He lost. Great king Jack Atlas lost" Crow taunted him.
"Shut up punk! You also lost!" Jack shouted angrily.
"Wooo, come down Jack. Everyone can loose, it just happens" Yusei tried to make him calm down. "But this guy was super strong (Y/N)! You should be careful when you duel him" Akiza saidwhile looking at you.
"Yeah, yeah, sure" you answered "As always"
"This isn't funny. You nearly died" Akiza said with a worried look on her face.
"Have you already forgotten about my promise? I told you, I wouldn't leave you" you smiled.
"Stupid boy" Akiza answered now smiling too.
"Ah yes, they are being lovey dovey" Crow laughed, making both of you blush.
"Anyways what deck has your opponent used?" you asked Jack.
"Some crazy shit. I think he was cheating but it appears there are other people besides you (Y/N) who can use these crazy summoning techniq-" "Wait. You say this guy used link and xyz- summoning ?" "Yeah. He called his decktype "Cyberse" and also said he has been training for years in a dojo high up in the far away mountains."
(Y/N) listened to all of this with a mix expression of anger, confusion and concern on his face.
"Ehm... (Y/N)? Is something up?"
"This is not possible. I saw him die with my very own eyes. Noone could know about the other legendary decks... Or... Maybe... But this is impossible! I know he did not have any other students besides me! It's ridici-"
"(Y/N)! " Yusei interrupted you.
"Ah. Sorry. I was in thoughts." "You mentioned someone dying. What's it with that story?"
"Forget about it. I was not clear in what I just mumbled."
"Hm... Well, I guess we'll just leave it for now." The black haired duelist said. "Thanks" you answered with a smile.
"Anyways, when is the finale set to take place?" you asked.
"In about a week. So you have 7 full days to prepare."
"Okay... did they say something about when I can leave here?"
"Right now" Aki smiled "That's why we are here"
"Oh. That sounds great" you laughed.
"But I'll keep you at my house for now and watch after you. They said you should not force yourself to anything." She immediately added with a serious look.
"I guess that's exactly what he wants" Crow said.
"Shut up" you told him, though not without blushing and smiling a bit.

The next two days you mostly stayed at your girlfriend's house since you were still recovering.
After that you and the others trained hard everyday for the finale.
The mysterious incident in the hospital was already forgotten.

When the day of the great finale arrived you and Akiza got up early and walked to the stadium about an hour before the actual start of the duel.
"It really is crazy, (Y/N)..."
"You know... you, the mysterious guy and I, we all have participated in the tournament for the first time. Still we all achieved great things. You and him are now in the finale and kicked out the two absoulte favorites and I..."
"You?" you asked.
Suddenly Akiza turned around and your lips touched for a second, though it felt like ages for you.
"I found you." she smiled at you.
"And we'll never let each other go" you smiled back at her while she gladly hooked in your arm and you walked the rest of the way like that.

An hour later you sat alone in your locker room. Akiza probably already sat down at a place in the audience to watch your duel, what gave you a warm feeling.
"(Y/N)." you heard a voice say.
"Flieme. What's wrong"
"Nothing actually. But... your attitude."
"What's wrong with it?"
"Nothing. But I did not know you could really smile." Your dragon sounded happy.
"Hm? I do smile a lot when I want to, you know?"
"But they are no real smiles. Right now you are smiling a real smile. And that's what makes me so confident. I know you wield powers like noone else on this planet. I was always worried these powers would eventually consume you or even kill you. But when I see you smile like that I feel like the time never passed. I feel like the first day we met. And it makes me so happy. If I'm right this girl is your reason to smile. So don't you dare to mess this up"
You stayed silent for a bit.
"Flieme?" you eventually asked.
"Can you feel it?
"You know I can feel your and Akizas emotions and read some of your thoughts. And I can see, something concerns you right now. What is it?"
"Do you remember tha first time we met? Back then we both felt a presence from each other we never were able to express with words. I feel it, right now."
"Flieme. I feel the same presence out there on the battlefield. It has to be that mysterious duelist. We have to win thia duel at all cost. This guy might actually be a student of the ancient summoning methods like me and my mentor Phoenix! He could be the key to more knowledge about these!"
"Don't worry (Y/N). Neither of us will hold back. But be careful. You should know what these powers I grant you can do to you."
"I know. Now" you said while standing up "time to show him the powers of our bonds and the legendary lightning legacy!" You shouted while Flieme roared and you opened the doors to te battlefield...

// It's unbelievable! Finally the story continues! No duel this time, but if you read everything you should know there will be one the next time. :p
I apologize for keeping all of you waiting so long, but I had/ have quite some shit going on in my life right now, so I don't know when I will continue this story. It could be tomorrow, next week, next month... I don't know yet. :D
As always I hope you enjoyed reading the new chapter. :)
Feel free to like, follow my account or leave feedback ^^
Hope you are all fine UwU //

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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