1x14 Long Way Back From Hell

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(Fleur-De-Lis- Sanitarium)

[Rebekah is laying on an old mattress in a run-down, abandoned hospital, looking pale and sickly as she continues to suffer from the werewolf bites she received in the previous chapter. There is a dripping sound by her bedside as she slowly returns to consciousness. When she remembers what happened, she shoots up in bed, only to look around and start hallucinating that the hospital is clean and bustling with nurses caring for the sick. Patients are all groaning and crying in agony while the nurses and doctors tend to them at their bedside; all of the sick are suffering from the Spanish Influenza epidemic in 1919. In reality, the hospital is derelict inside, full of antique beds, wheelchairs, and medical equipment that has been left to rust. Rebekah becomes overwhelmed and starts hyperventilating as she looks around in her hallucination. Blood drips onto the floor; a man drops a bloody rag; another man sits up in bed and coughs up blood into a handkerchief. She gasps as two doctors drop another patient onto a cot and wheel him toward the morgue. She slowly rolls out of the bed, weakened by the werewolf venom in her system. A woman's laughter is heard echoing through the corridors]

Rebekah: [terrified] Who's there?

[There's no answer. She struggles to get out of that room as quickly as possible and escape. As she reaches the doorway, she plunges through it and escapes outside]

Rebekah: [mutters to herself] How the hell did I get here?

[She stumbles toward the steps, but before she can go any farther, she is stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake. She gasps and falls to the ground, only to look up to realize the person who stabbed her looks familiar]

Rebekah: Genevieve?

Genevieve: [pretends to pout] Rebekah, tell me you're not leaving already. I thought we might reminisce.

[She casts a spell on Rebekah, and she falls unconscious]

[Meanwhile inside, Celeste looks over the body of Klaus, who is shirtless and lying on a bed, his wrists tied down by restraints. He too is weakened by Papa Tunde's blade, which has disappeared inside of his chest. He groans and starts to stir]

(Lafayette Cemetery)

[The witches have gathered to say goodbye to Sophie, who, unbeknownst to most, was killed in the previous chapter by her niece Monique. Monique stands emotionless outside the Deveraux tomb with a candle as a man lays bricks over Sophie's grave. Elijah appears and quickly takes out three people at vampire speed, Monique is not phased, but other witches gasp]

Elijah: My siblings have been taken. Where are they?

Monique: You're interrupting my Aunt Sophie's consecration. 

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