1x20 A Closer Walk With Thee

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(St. Anne's Church (Dream Sequence) )

[The citizens of the French Quarter all prepare themselves for Father Kieran's funeral service. A long line of community members and family, including Cami, Francesca, Genevieve, and Marcel, make their way to Father Kieran's open casket to pay their respects. Klaus arrives late, and by the time he reaches the casket, everyone else at the service is already seated in the pews. He greets Cami and gives her a kiss on the cheek before going to give his respects to Father Kieran. However, when he opens the casket, Father Kieran is gone, and in his place is a baby. The baby coos at him, and he smiles]

Klaus: Hi.

[Klaus reaches down to pick the baby up, but before he can, a squishing noise is heard, and blood pours from Klaus' mouth. He's been staked from behind with the indestructible white oak stake. When Klaus turns around, Mikael is standing there, grinning. He grabs Klaus in a choke-hold]

Mikael: [sneers] Greetings, boy.

[Klaus awakens with a start in his bedroom in the Abattoir compound. After gasping for a few moments, he lies back down in bed]


[Genevieve, Monique, Davina, and Abigail walk through a park as Genevieve continues to lecture the girls on magic and the supernatural]

Genevieve: New Orleans is full of ghosts. Our dead are always here, hovering. When supernatural creatures die, they're doomed to spend eternity alone, watching the world go on without them. Of course, that's not the case with the ancestral witches. We linger in a different way: consecrated in the earth, replenishing its power. 

Davina: ...What about humans?

Genevieve: [hesitates] Some find peace. Some...don't. [beat] I have to make an appearance at the priest's wake. You three head back to the lycée, take some time to think about those spirits who might still be walking alongside you. 

[Davina and Abigail take their leave, but Monique follows Genevieve as she walks to the funeral service]

Monique: I don't know why we're supposed to care about Kieran O'Connell. 

Genevieve: We care, because when a pillar of our community passes, Monique, you call a cease-fire and pay your respects. 

Monique: Or, you just want to see Klaus. You two are getting cozy.

Genevieve: I need the Mikaelsons to trust me so I can get close enough--

Monique: --To kill their baby?

Genevieve: [frustrated and annoyed] To fulfill my obligation to our ancestors. Go home, Monique.

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