1x15 Le Grand Guignol

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(Flashback -- Jazz Club, 1919)

[A jazz number plays at a local club while everyone is enjoying themselves. People dance, sing, laugh, mingle and drink. At the bar Elijah, Lana, and Klaus turn to observe the scene before them]

Klaus: Well this is a first. Werewolves, vampires, witches and dirty cops. [He glances at a group of cops toasting their glasses together and drinking to the occasion] All happy as clams and drunk as stoats.

[Klaus smiles as Elijah orders three shots]

Lana: You gotta love this city.

Elijah: To a new era! Collaboration in the face of Prohibition.

Lana: To your docks, their booze, and our theatres to hide it under. You're welcome, boys.

[They happily toast their glasses together and drink]

Klaus: [smirks] Now, I shall have to think of a way to thank you personally, in a manner befitting a werewolf queen.

Lana: [strokes Klaus' face affectionately] Catch you on the dance floor.

[She walks past him and heads into the crowd]

Elijah: Who would have thought it possible? The unification of New Orleans?

[Klaus playfully grips Elijah's shoulders]

Klaus: We did it, brother.

[Elijah puts his arm around his brother's shoulder and whirls him around to overlook the scene before him]

Elijah: Oh, certainly, we worked together, Niklaus. But this vision? This was all you.

(End Of Flashback)

(Present Day -- Mikaelson Compound)

[Klaus lies in bed shirtless in his room. His eyes are closed, and he's gasping in pain from Papa Tunde's blade being embedded in his chest. Elijah watches him, clearly conflicted]

Elijah: [to Klaus] This was all you.

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