Season 1 FINALE: New Year

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Takagi's POV

"AGGH! Oh...just a bad dream..." I just woken up from a terrible dream, where I left Nishikata alone when he wanted to confess me. he even like me?

I hugged my pillow tightly thinking all it's just a bad dream, but i was incredibly shocked. In my dream, i gave myself alot of negative thoughts about me being a burden to him. But in my dream, he said that i will never be a burden to him, infact one of the most important person. I blushed hard and smiled.

" you think that i'm an important person to you? And if that so...then... do you liked me?"

The next day

Nishikata's POV

"Huh? where is she?" I arrived at the place where we usually met, but somehow i didn't seen her anywhere.

"Hey Nishikata."

"WHA! Oh it's you Takagi..." I said relived.

"Ahaha! You know you shouldn't always jump when you see me." She smiled at me, like always.

"Okay...okay... i should be more aware."

"'s okay, don't blame yourself okay?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"So then, have any ideas about beating me again?" She said excited.

"I'll skip for now." I shrugged.

"You sure? Well...looks like today's gonna tease you lots!"

"Wha-! Oh come on!"

Then she laughed and tease me all the way to the school.

After we arrived at the school, the rest of the day it's pretty straight forward, nothing really changes. Only that Takagi teases me 32 times this day.

After school

We walked together to school and we just talked about the the upcoming school events and especially, i wanted to ask Takagi, to go out with me in the new year's festival.

"Hey Takagi..."

"Yes, Nishikata?"

"Ummm....I...uh..." As i tried to find my words, Takagi leans closer to me.

"Is it about the new years festival?"

"COME ON! GIVE ME A BREAK!" As i waved my hands in the sky Takagi just laughed.

"Ahahaha! I really do know you Nishikata..."

"W-what does that m-mean?"

"Internally." She said smiling, and i felt my face heating up.


"Ahaha! Okay, what do you..wanted to ask?" She said, but i saw her fidgeting her arms.

I gather my sanity, nerves, and breath. But somehow, my face keeps getting hotter and hotter. But...looks like this is the time. I took a deep breath before saying,

"Umm...Takagi....will you...uh...go out...with me....T-to t-t-the...New years festival?" I said it, i said it! Oh god! I bowed my head because i'm too scared to look Takagi's face.

"Yeah! Let's!" She nodded happily and hugs me.

"WHA-! HEY!"

"Thank you Nishikata! I've never thought you're gonna asked me again!" She hugged me tighter, but i didn't return the gesture. Because i was in shocked when she hugged me, and my face keeps getting hotter and hotter.

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