Chapter four

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Last edit date: January 31, 2021
(Thoughts and actions were changed)

I sit up with a start. He wouldn't kill me, right?! I look over at his sleeping figure, facing me. He can't really be a killer can he? I shake my head. I need to use the bathroom now. Least my headache has went away somewhat and my body doesn't hurt as bad. 

I go to quietly and carefully move over him but it's a challenge. I accidentally bump him and I freeze. He doesn't move. "Thank god I didn't wake him," I whisper to myself. How awkward would that have been! I'm half straddling him right now! I've got a foot on the floor and on the other side of him I've got a leg on the bed. Phew!

I go to carefully move my other leg but all of a sudden I'm pushed to the side where I was laying on and he grabs my wrists, sitting up like I am. I'm startled for a few seconds before I look away, blushing. 

"Go to sleep," he says. 

"I need to use the bathroom," I tell him. He gets up after letting go of my wrists and I follow him over to the bathroom. He then walks over to the couch and I close the door. 

A minute later I'm done. Looking around I see there's a shower with a bathtub too. The water is ink. To think, I about washed my hands with ink! I look my myself in the mirror. I lift my right hand up to my head. I've got a bruise on the left of my head that disappears under my hair. I touch it and flinch. There's also dried blood on my head. 

Looking around, I grab a clean looking cloth and I try to get the blood off. I sigh and wet the cloth with my saliva and then the blood comes off. Sadly the cut is now stinging. 

That's when I remember something. Something hit me over the head not to long after I fell through the floor! I see I have a few cuts but nothing major and a few bruises. 

I open the door and walk out. I'm going to confront him about this. "Did you hit me over the head?" I ask. I don't know where I got the balls to say that but I guess I said it anyways. 

He doesn't say anything for a minute so I say, "I'm not going to get mad. I just want to know how this big bruise got on my head."

"Yes, I did," he says and then looks away from me. Figures. A picture of my nightmare flashes in my head and I jump, startled. I DIDN'T NEED TO REMEMBER THAT! Nope! 

Sammy gets up and starts to walking towards me. I look down at the ground as to hide my fear. It should work as long as he can't smell fear. Little did she know... 

"Come on," he says. I look up at him in confusion until I realize he means to follow him. I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep after that nightmare. I reluctantly follow him back to the bedroom-like room but I stop before I sit on the bed. 

"I'm not tired anymore," I mutter as I look at the bed. I sigh and sit on the bed anyways, laying my still aching body down; That's when I realize that I'm cold. 

I curl up in a ball but to my surprise Sammy picks me up. "Hey!" I protest, confused. I was actually comfortable! He sets me back down after a minute and puts the blanket over me. I'm shocked. He noticed I was cold? 

I'm starting to feel bad about tricking him out of giving me to his lord. My plan was to run when I got the chance to. But, once you get past the whole 'I'm gonna give you to my lord' part, he's not actually bad. And so much for the running part. That didn't go so well! 

He sits down on the bed next to me and I turn to face him. He goes to lay down. The caring part of me kicks in. 

I don't let him sit as I move the blanket out of his way. Then I let him lay down, making sure he has some blanket too. I'd feel bad if I hog it(Hog meaning; take for oneself and not sharing). We're now both laying down under the blanket, facing each other. I can tell he's not asleep by his breathing. 

After some time since he's sill awake biased on my judging of his breathing, I ask, "Who did this to you?" 

"Joey Drew," he says, his voice holding anger. I gasp and sit up. He sits up too. 

"Y-you have to be mistaking!" I say in dismay. Everything starts going fast in my head. 

"He trapped us all here. Only a few lucky one's got away before it was to late," he says quietly. Tears fill my eyes and the image of my father in my head is shatters. 

I bring my knees up to my chest and hug them. "How could my father do this?" I whisper as tears spill down my face. 

"You're Joey's daughter?" he asks in shock. I just nod my head. Great. He probably hates me now and he'll probably give me to his lord now! But I couldn't lie to him! Now again! Lying is not who I am. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I slowly look at at Sammy in fear, my vision blurred. 

He pulls me towards him by grabbing my arm and before I know what's happening, he's hugging me. I'm shocked but I eventually hug him back. I sigh, still having a hard time believing that this is actually real. 

"I'm sorry," I whisper. I thought my father was a good man! Then it dawns on me. What if doing this killed him?! I can't hold back my tears. So to surprise, Sammy just holds and and let's me cry. Any of my two past ex's would have pushed me away. 

After awhile, I finally calm down. Outwardly, I'm calm, inwardly I'm a mess. My thoughts are a thousand miles per minute and it's hard to think. 

"Why did you come here little sheep?" he asks. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I picture something that makes me happy and I focus on that. My mind slows down a bit but now I'm just sad. 

"I came here because I was sure that this place could tell me where my father is. He owned this place. There has to be some clues here," I say, just now realizing that there's sadness in my voice. 

I want to stay and help him. I really do. But Henry will be so angry at me! But I told him I would help him, even though I didn't mean it at the time. But as I think about it. Helping him could also help me. If he ever allows me out of his sight long enough for me to find any clues. 

"I'll help you," he says, surprising me once again. He'll help me? But I tricked him, even if I don't mean tricking him anymore, I did back then. I sigh. 

I go to speak but then I remember that I lied to him. I sigh. "I don't deserve your help but if it's what you want to do, then I guess go ahead," I say as I look down. I really hope he isn't dead...not. I know he's not!

Just thinking about it makes me wanna cry again. But I have a feeling. He can't be! He just can't! A sudden wave of sadness comes over me.  

"Why wouldn't you deserve my help?" he asks. I yawn. I really don't want him to know so I decide to come up with a way to change the topic.

"Can we go back to bed?" I ask. 

He looks to me for a second before saying, "Alright, We'll talk about it in the morning."

I lay back down and wholla! Magically fall asleep in seconds!




My Little Sheep[Version 2](Sammy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now