Chapter five

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Last edit date: January 31, 2021
(Some thoughts and actions changed)

I yawn as I sit up. I get up and go into the large part of this house like area. I look around but I don't see Sammy. I decide to go look for my backpack. 

I open the door. I guess he's not in the lounge right now or he probably would have stopped me. Wait! Has it been two days?! OH NO! CARLI WILL CALL HENRY! FUCK! I'M SCREWED! I hurriedly make my way down hallway after hallway. Long story short, I end up getting lost. Whoopee! 

I take a wrong corner and and am met with a dead end. Fantastic!

I turn around as I see ink vanes appear in the wall. 

This place just keeps getting creepier..

Wait, where have I seem that before? I suddenly remember; They were all the wall when I first met that scary creature! My heart beat picks up and I look both ways down the hallway. 

I see it. A tall, horned, wide smiled Bendy like creature. I freeze for ten seconds, just long enough for him to see me and start running towards me. I unfreeze upon realizing that my life could quiet possibly be in danger and I accidentally run down the dead end hallway. FUCK! 

I try every door but none of them will open. I'm about to try to kick one open when I see it out of the corner of my eye. I jump and back up until my back hits the wall as it runs up to me with frightening speed. 

I look down and wait for my death but nothing happens. Confused I look up. he's just.... standing in front of me? I gasp when I really get a good look at him. 

"B-Bendy?" I say in utter shock. It tilts it's head as if it's waiting for me to say something more. My fear slightly melts away as I slightly smile. It then screeches and falls to the floor. I look in shock as it all but rolls on the floor in what appears to be pain. I kneel down next to him and I put my hand on him. I don't know why but I feel like that will help. he stops moving and just sits there, panting for a minute before he stands back up. 

He's alive!? 

Dad, what the hell were you doing here...? 

"I can't believe my father managed to actually bring you to life!" I say in amazement. It makes a startled sound, startling me. I think I startled him by saying it to loud or something. 

I reach up for it's horns and they're surprisingly warm. It purrs quietly and I smile. "How hypocritical of me. I thought you were bad because you're a demon," I say. I wonder what the whole falling to the floor and screeching thing was about? 

Having to stand on my tiptoe to touch his horns I eventually lose my balance. "Oh no!" I exclaim just before I lose my balance. To my surprise he puts his hands, claws...whatever their called on my waist and steadies me. I blush as I take a step back. 

"Sorry," I say as I look down. How awkward. As I look down I notice that his inky hands left imprints on my shirt but just on the  of my shirt. I glance at his hands. One is gloved and one is clawed.

I look up at him for a second then my eyes widen. "Sheep!" I hear Sammy's voice call out. 

"You should go! I don't know what he'll do if he sees you with me!" I whisper yell. The inky demon whose eyes are covered with ink appears to just look at me for a few more seconds before he nods, letting out a sad sounding sound and to my utter shock, walks though the wall. I stare at the wall with my mouth agape. 

My Little Sheep[Version 2](Sammy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now