Chapter Nineteen

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Darcy's Pov

It's been a month since he last came to see me. I won't go to that studio because every time I do, I get lost. 

I look at the stick and I gasp. I'm....I'm....pregnant...! Joey, you're going to be a father! 

I'm currently staying with Henry. I don't like being alone all the time. It makes me think. It brins back memories. Memories that would stay away if I weren't alone.  

I throw the pregnancy test away and go downstairs. That explains why my period hasn't come yet.  

It's the weekend, so Henry is home. Thankfully. 

Nervously, I go over to him in the kitchen. He's making lunch for us. I stop, standing beside him. 

I nervously swallow. 

"Don't work this weekend?" Henry asks. 

"No..." I say. I do a side job and babysit on the weekends. The parents didn't need me this weekend. 

"Is everything alright?" Henry asks, seeing straight through me.

"I..." I trail off. 

"I'll be right back," I quietly say. He nods. 

I go grab the test and walk back to the kitchen, and pause for a second. 

He turns towards me and looks at my hands. 

"It's positive, isn't it?" he asks. 

I nod. He walks over to me and hugs me. I hug him tightly. I can't stop from crying. 

"When will he come home?" I say through tears. 

"I don't know," he quietly says. 

I try to pull myself together but it only half way works. I pull back from Henry and look at him. His expression is unreadable. 

"We'll get through this, okay?" he asks. I shake my head. I have to be strong. I'm going to have a baby so I have to be strong! 

I take a deep breath. "I sure hope so," I quietly say. 

Middle of the Night five months later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I wake up from another nightmare. Sitting up in fear I blink a couple times as tears fall down my cheeks. I sigh. 

It was all the past...

Looking down at my belly I smile. I prey I can be a good mother. I prey I can be the mother to you I never had for myself. 

I've already decided it. 

If she's a girl, she'll be Lydia. 

If he's a boy, he'll he Jason.

Oh Joey. Where are you?

I never told Henry about that big fight you and I had the last time I saw you....

Tears fill my eyes. 

He was so angry. I didn't mean to spill the ink on his desk! Who even keeps ink like that anymore?!

He told me to never come to his studio ever again...

Those papers must have been important. But they're surly not more important than me? 

Before I know it, I'm full on crying. I hug my knees. 

"Why Joey? Why do you do this to me?!" I sob. I must have been crying louder than I though because the door opens not too long later. Soon after that I'm pulled into a hug. 

I eventually give in and cling into Henry. 

A thought crosses my mind that makes me cry harder. 

Henry has always been the one there for me. Not Joey...

Something goes wrong with Joey, Henry is there. I need someone to talk to, he's always been there! Even when he was busy, Henry still made time for me...

It makes me sad but happy at the same time. At least I'm not alone...

>>>>>>>>>8 months into pregnancy<<<<<<<<

Henry walks in and gives me a kiss. I smile and kiss him back.

I'm done with Joey. He doesn't want me. Henry loves me. And I love him. I still love Joey. How can I not? I going to have his baby.

"Darcy. There's been something I've wanted to ask for awhile now. Here. Follow me," he tells me. He seems a bit nervous. Curious I follow him into the back where weeping willow tree is and gasp.

The place is decorated with flowers and rose petals.

"Henry..." I trail off when he gets on one knee, holding a velvet box and opens it.

Tears fill my eyes as I see the gorgeous ring inside.

"Darcy. I've loved you for years now. You have made me so happy. If you'll let me, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and raise your baby."

I'm filled with joy and surprise. "Yes. Yes a thousand times!" I exclaim as I'm engulfed in a giant hug.

"I love you," we both say at the same time. Laughing I look up at him.

"I love you too."

>>>>8 hours later<<<<

I walk into the nursery and smile, resting a hand on my belly.

"I love you so much," I tell my baby.

Henry and I decided to wait until the baby is born to see what gender it is.

We chose gender neutral colors. I'm so excited to meet my baby.

Joey did do something good. I frown at the thought of him. I still miss him....and love him. I think Henry knows that too. It makes me feel bad. I spent 4 years of my life with Joey. Now I want to forget it.

I've got a baby to focus on. I'll worry about this later.

Henry is at work so I have the house all to myself.

I feel more tired than usual today. Sighing I decide to take a nap until Henry gets home.

I'm about the lay down when my water breaks. I gasp. It's 3 weeks early!

Grabbing my phone I call Henry. He picks up on the 3rd ring.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"The baby is coming," I tell him.

"I'm almost home. Got off early. Hold on dear," he tells me hurriedly.

We end up staying on the phone until he gets home. Helping me into the car he speeds to the hospital.

Nurses rush around me and I'm quickly put in a room.

I'm in laber for 7 hours before the baby born. My baby. My little girl. I smile in joy and exhaustion as I look at my baby girl.

The nurse hands her to Henry. He's eyes light up in joy. I feel peace. I'll get to have the family I've always wanted.

He hands my back my baby. I'm about to speak but I feel intense pain in my chest.

"What's her name?" Henry asks. I hear the heart machine flatline.

I'm dying. No. My baby. Henry. I can't go yet. There's still so much I haven't done. I want to raise my baby...

I look up at Henry as tears fill my eyes. Her name...

"Lydia..." I mumble before everything goes black. I'm sorry Lydia and Henry. I'm sorry Joey. I love you all....

Here's chapter nineteen!! Kinda a sad one but a necessary one.

I'll attempt to get another chapter out today but no promises.




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