1. That Kid On The Balcony

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"Hurry up. We have to be there early, it's our first day.", said Seokjin.

Today, he and his close friend Min Yoongi would be starting their summer jobs.

"You know, we wouldn't have to do this if you had taken up my offer with Jimin at the college."

"For the LAST time Yoongi, I am not becoming a teacher. The thought of competing with people who are obviously imbeciles for the right to lecture to kids is stupid."

Yoongi pulled on his black leather jacket and opened the front door of the apartment to Seokjin, "Your highness..."

"You think you're real funny don't you?"

"I know I am."

About 30 minutes later, the pair arrived at the orphanage. Seokjin, wearing nothing but khaki shorts and a tourist shirt, welcomed the sunlight more onto him as he stepped from the car.

Yoongi, wearing all black, stepped out of the car and put a hat on, keeping the sun from his face.

The pair entered the orphanage and were greeted by children running around at 100% energy.

"Hello! You must be Seokjin and Yoongi, I'm Namjoon.", a tall, blonde male stepped up to them with the biggest smile.

"Oh, hi. I'm Seokjin. That weird man over there chasing the little boy who just took his hat is Yoongi."

"Kekeke," Namjoon laughed, "Well, as you can see, we have a full house. We're actually at capacity here. It's sad, so many children being given away or orphaned."

Seokjin smiled at the children who passed by, "It is sad. But, they don't have to be sad because THE Kim Seokjin is here to entertain them."

"I'm sure they'll love you. Today, I ask that you just help clean around here. Kids can be messy after all."

"Got it."

Namjoon walked away and left Seokjin to start working. Yoongi was sitting in the middle of a pile of children, telling stories.

"Made some friends, Yoongi?"

Yoongi looked up at him, "Just telling them how I beat a kid up for calling me lil meow meow in middle school."

"But you are a lil meow meow."

Yoongi got up quickly and chased after Seokjin, much to the amusement of the children. 

"Lil meow meow, how many rooms are left?"

"One. And if you call me that again I will shove this broom up your a-", he was cut off by Seokjin opening the door to an empty room.

Inside of the room was one bed, posters of various dancers and music artists, and a radio.

"Is anyone here?"

The two stepped in and Yoongi noticed a balcony door on the far side of the room.

"It's open, maybe someone is out there."

They walk to the balcony door and enter it. The view of the city called for a pair of eyes to watch it.

Yoongi turned to the corner and saw a boy with earphones in, softly snoring away, "Seokjin, look."

Seokjin moved over to the boy and shook him lightly. He moved a bit before scrunching his nose and curling up more.

"Aww, he's so cute. I don't want to wake him."

"Ay! Wake up kid! No sleeping outdoors! Use the bed!"

The boy sniffled and opened his eyes, staring at Seokjin.


The boy took his earphones out, "Hi, I'm Hoseok. What's your names?"

"I'm Seokjin, and that rude man is Yoongi."

"Hehehehe, you're funny."

"Thanks. Hoseok, how old are you?"

"I'm 17. But...I'm about to be 18 soon. Next month. They're going to kick me out..."

Yoongi noticed Hoseok's expression and stepped in, "Not if I have anything to do with it. I know I literally just met you, but I can tell you're a good kid. Listen, I need to talk to Seokjin, but we'll be back tomorrow ok?"

"Ok...see you soon."


Seokjin was confused as to why Yoongi cut their conversation short. But that only lasted until Yoongi blurted out something Seokjin never thought he would say...

"We have to adopt him..."

Hello everyone! Welcome to my first book on this profile! I hope you enjoy.

If you have any story requests, please share. I write any type of story.

Thanks for reading.

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