8. Bubble Suits

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About an hour after Yoongi decided that stealing cotton candy from a teenager was a good idea, the woman came back to them with good news.

Woman: You'll be pleased to know that they found him. Thanks to this other boy, he was able to stay afloat under the wreckage.

Yoongi: This kid never ceases to amaze me. Can we talk to him?

Woman: Right this way.

The lady lead Yoonjin to the other side of the tape. Yoongi took off at full speed toward a tiny figure with a towel over him.

Yoongi: *bear hugging Hoseok* Oh how I missed you so much! You almost made me turn into overprotective mom Seokjin.

Seokjin: Its never bad to be me. Especially when it comes to this face.

Hoseok: Always beautiful, as usual.

Seokjin: This kid, he has the right idea.

Yoongi: Now, we have to go to the store Hoseok.

Hoseok: Why?

Yoongi: To get you something that will ensure you'll be safe no matter what!

Seokjin: Are we buying him a bubble or something?

Yoongi: Yes. We're buying him a bubble suit! He gets in the suit and is immediately safe from everything.

Hoseok: My sister had a bubble suit. But she broke hers.

Yoongi: How did she break hers?

Hoseok: She broke it when the officer pushed her down the stairs. She didn't do anything though. She was just protecting my dad from the police.

Seokjin: Hoseok, what happened to your family?

Hoseok: Like I said, they broke their bubble suits.

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