2. Impulse Decisions

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"Excuse me?"

"Just listen. I know this may seem crazy, but that kid...he needs someone. Seeing him out on that balcony..."

"Who are you and where is the real Min Yoongi?"

"Please Seokjin, can we take him with us? I don't want him out on the streets. It's hard out there for a kid..."

Seokjin looked at Yoongi and smiled, "Of course. Tomorrow, we'll go back and surprise him! I can't wait to see the look on his face!"

(The Next  Day)

Hoseok was cuddled into his covers, staring at his posters. He never left this room. Not even if it was time to eat. He had his own stash of food in his room.

He was also scared. Scared that someone would find out his secret. What secret is that you ask? Well, Hoseok is a little.

Hoseok P.O.V

The only light in here came from the window. I broke the light on the ceiling fan after a frisbee battle with my favorite stuffie.

*knock knock*

Someone came to the door and opened it after knocking. It was Namjoon.

"Hey Hoseokie. Guess what?"


"Its your day. Someone is here to take you home."

I jumped from the bed as fast as possible, running out the door. I came to a stop at the sight of the two men from yesterday. They stood together at the front desk as if they were waiting for something.

Yoongi smiled, "Hoseok, hi!"

I walked closer to him, "Hello. What are you guys doing here this early?"

Seokjin handed me a stack of papers, "We're here to adopt you."

(Time Skip)

I couldn't stop myself from yawning as Yoongi put my stuff in the car. I didn't sleep well last night after they woke me up, telling me to go inside.

I was undeniably happy that I was going to a home. It did shock me though, how just one look at me made them make this impulse decision.

"You look tired Hoseok.," said Seokjin, "You can sleep all you want when we show you your new room. It's right next to ours. We have a three bedroom apartment because Yoongi insisted that he didn't want to sleep in the same room with me."

"Because you stretch your body out like Jimin doing the splits when you sleep."

While they were talking, I stared out the window at a puppy I saw. Accidentally, I yelled out, "Puppy! Lookie, lookie! Puppy!"

Yoongi turned around, "Why are you talking like that Hoseok?"

"Uh...just excited to see a puppy. I guess you could say it brings out the kid in me."

Hello again, thank you to those who read chapter one and decided to come back for more! My writing style obviously needs and improvement and I hope that thought this book I can do that.

Love you all! ~ Alex (Author)

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