Adopted by emma watson

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   I never knew my parents. They dropped me off at an orphanage when I was about a month old. They left me in the rain on the door step with nothing but a name. No remembrance of them, not even a note. They left me nine years ago today. They left me at a ratty old orphanage in the suburbs of New York city. I used to think they were going to come back for me, but they never did. I have never been adopted. No one wants a little girl with a brown mess of curls and stormy blue eyes named Isabelle. I am really small for my age, and I'm really boney.

           I lay awake in my bunk on a snowy Monday morning. I have to share a room with the other girls my age. They are usually nice, but I never really get to know them because all of the other girls usually get adopted fairly quickly. It is almost Christmas, but I know I won't get much because the orphanage is rather large and whenever there is money for presents the younger kids get them. Mrs. Widrow the lady who runs the orphanage comes into our room and turns on the light. "Girls time to get up. We have a lady coming today who says she wants to adopt a nine year old girl." Mrs. Widrow says and then leaves to go onto the next room. All of the other girls get up and ready excitedly, and I guess I better get ready to because who knows today may be my lucky day.

***Emma pov***

          I wake up excitedly. Today is the big day. I am going to an orphanage in the suburbs of New York City to adopt a girl, and just before Christmas too. I get up and take a quick shower. I put on a nice dark purple dress and do my makeup. I eat a quick breakfast, throw on my coat, and then get in the car and head to the orphanage.

***Belle pov***

         I only have one pair of clothes and one pair of sneakers, so I don't have much to do to get ready. I do take a shower though. When I get out I put on my shoes and head downstairs to breakfast. When I get down to the eating area I grab a bowl of cereal and sit down in an empty seat next to a new little girl. "Hi what's you name?" I ask her. "Caroline." She sniffles. Aww poor girl probably still upset about not having parents anymore. "It's ok Caroline I'm sure you'll get adopted soon you are a very cute little girl. All of the mommy's and daddy's that come looking for daughters will want you." I tell her. It is true she has blonde curls and pretty blue eyes. When I tell her this she gets a little happier and we finish eating.

         When I am done I put my dishes in the dirty dish bin, and then I go into the meeting room. The meeting room is where we are supposed to go when someone wants to see your age group. When we get there I sit down on the couch and you would never believe who walked through the door. It was Emma Watson! The Emma Watson who played Hermione in all of the Harry Potter movies. I love the Harry Potter books and movies. "Girls this is Ms. Watson and she is looking to adopt a girl your age." Mrs Widrow says. I really hope I get adopted but then again I can't get my hopes. Then Emma comes up to me and says in her British accent, "Hello sweetheart what is your name?" "My name is Isabelle, but I go by Belle." I reply shyly. "Hi Belle. What kinds of things do you like to do, and how long have you been at the orphanage?" Emma asks me. "Umm I like to read and when it's warm I like to play outside. I have been here since I was a month old. My parents just kinda left me here with no explanation." I tell Emma. "Well it was very nice meeting you." She says and then she goes and talks to another girl.

***Emma pov***

          I arrive at the orphanage, and knock on the door. A lady in about her forties answers it. "Hello I'm Elaine you must be Emma come on in. I have the nine year olds in the meeting room ready for you. You can just go up to them and ask questions." Elaine says to me. "Ok that sounds lovely." I reply.  "Girls this is Ms. Watson and she is looking to adopt a girl your age."  There are about eleven girls in the room sitting on couches and chairs. There is one girl with light brown curly hair and stormy blue eyes. She is really pretty. I think I will talk to her first. "Hello sweetheart what is your name?" I ask. "My name is Isabelle, but I go by Belle." the girl replies shyly with her American accent. "Hi Belle. What kinds of thing do you like to do, and how long have you been at the orphanage?" I ask. "Umm I like to read and when it's warm I like to play outside. I have been here since I was a month old. My parents just kinda left me here with no explanation." Belle tells me. "Well it was very nice meeting you." I say and then I go and talk to another girl even though I'm 90% sure that I want to adopt Belle.

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