6. The first time

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"Find someone who is proud to have you, scared to lose you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you and loves you"


Stiles and Harper walked into Stiles' room, they have just came home from a date.

"Did you have fun?" Stiles asked as he closed the door and Harper nodded "Yeah" she said.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Stiles asked, Harper looked at him and pulled off her shirt.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Stiles asked, Harper looked at him and pulled off her shirt

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As Stiles looked at her, she walked closer to him and kissed him.

As they kissed, Harper pulled off Stiles' shirt before they pulled away to look at each other. Then Stiles brought his lips to hers, turned around and lower her to the bed.

They kept kissing, but then they pulled away, got up from the bed and stood on each end of the room.

"Maybe we don't need to do it now" Stiles said and Harper nodded "Yeah, we have only be together for almost a year, we don't need to do it that fast" she said "Yeah, we can wait" he said and she nodded.

"We don't need to do this now, but we can also just make out" Harper said "Let's do this" Stiles said as they walked towards each other and kissed.


He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, he then lower her to the bed and they began making out.

But then Harper could feel that her eyes was glowing blue, she pulled away and sat at the edge of the bed, Stiles looked at her, he noticed that her eyes was closed "You okay?" he asked, Harper didn't answered and Stiles knew what was wrong so he sat next to her but she turned her head away from Stiles still with her eyes closed, but then he put his hand on her chin "You don't have to be ashamed for what or who you are. You're so beautiful. Be who you are when I am around. I love everything about you" he said and Harper turned her head, she then opened her eyes and Stiles saw that her eyes was flashing blue "They are beautiful, just like you" he said and she smiled "We can take it more easy, if you like" Stiles said, Harper nodded before he leaned in and kissed her.

Stiles lower her back to the bed, and they connected their lips. This time the kiss was slow and gentle.

They pulled away and looked at each other "I love you" Harper said "I love you too, Harps. I don't care about your past or any of these things that are happening or what people think or say. I will be your boyfriend, partner, soulmate, or whatever they call for life" he said and Harper smiled "It called mate in the animal world" she said, "Then I will be your mate" Stiles said, "Are you sure?" she asked and Stiles nodded "I am, I want to be with you every since the day I met you and nothing will ever change that" Stiles said "I feel the way, I always want to be your girlfriend, partner, soulmate and mate. I love you" Harper said, "I love you too, I always have and I always will" Stiles said, he then leaned closer and they continued kissing.

The love between a werewolf and a human  (2) Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now