A Tsunami

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A note from the author: This is how I imagine Tsunami, although with lighter hair.

Tsunami's P.O.V

Arrgh! Damn that annoying, squid brained, fruit-loving, obnoxious brat Glory! She is so annoying! I mean, I don't mind her, but sometimes she really gets on my nerves. Just because she's the pretty one, it doesn't mean that she has to be so... so... annoying!

Dear reader, if you are wondering why Tsunami was showing this brazen display of anger towards Glory, that's because she was almost always annoyed at her. To be fair, Glory didn;t deserve it, but Tsunami was, in other words, jealous. You see, Glory was pretty. She was popular at school, even though her family life wasn't the best. Glory's mum, Turquoise Rainforest, was the owner of Rain Wings Co.. Rain Wings Co. was a cosmetics company, so Glory got all the makeup she wanted; she got anything she wanted. So it was no surprise that Tsunami, with her mum Coral being a worrier, and her siblings being idiots, that she was jealous.   

Glory and Tsunami had had the same timetables for as long as they could remember.  They always sat as far away as possible from each other, wanting to do better than their rivals. Today, it was sport. Tsunami was really good at sport, but her best friend Peril was even better. Together, everyone trooped down towards the oval, wait no, was that the swimming pool? Yes! Now I can REALLY show my talent to Riptide! Riptide was Tsunami's massive crush since year 7. She was always determined to impress him.

"On your marks.... Get set... GO!" the swimming coach River shouted. Tsunami was off. Since they were doing a medley, she started by doing  butterfly. In an 100 meter pool, there was no need for her to do a tumble turn, except in changing strokes. Both her palms slapped the wall, just as Riptide came in and did the same thing. Tsunami was off again. Backstroke was a favourite of hers. Strong arms windmilled backwards, her feet kicking and keeping her afloat. She saw the flags, did one more stroke, then kicked to the end. Breastroke! Legs pushing her fowards, head popping up. Up and down, up and down, to the end. Tumble turn and into the last leg, freestyle. Tsunami powered forwards, finishing first. Riptide came in second, followed closely by another boy she hadn't seen before.

"Great job Tsunami." Riptide had come over to her, making her leap in surprise.

"H-h-hi R-Riptide. Great job to you too." Tsunami mentally slapped herself in the face for stuttering.

"You really are a great swimmer, you know. You should try out for the swim team."

"Thanks Riptide. You should try out for the grammer team too." Tsunami inwardly groaned. "I mean, you should try out for the swine team, no the SWIM team."

Riptide merely burst out laughing. "I didn't know you had a sense of humor. Well, see you 'round." As Tsunami watched him walk out of the pool, she felt her cheeks grow hot. "Hahaha, Tsunami that was HILARIOUS." Her best friends had walked up behind her, and they were going too hang it on her.    

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