ch 8

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS NUMBER ONE I LOVE YOU!!! also there's a time skip for my convince sorry not sorry

chase pov

I hold Charli to me as we walk through the airport. I hadn't seen her in two weeks and I missed her more than life but I couldn't kiss her until we were in private. the airport was basically empty because it was so late which would explain the fact that no one had asked for a picture yet.

"Charli" a man's voice calls. I spin around quickly to see a man a few years older than me looking at Charli.

"hi! did you want a pic-" he cuts her off.

"no. I just wanted to see your body in person." he looks her up and down and starts walking towards us and I sense charlis panic.

"wh- what?" she stammers trying to stay calm.

"you heard me." he gets closer and I push charli behind me quickly to protect her. "you think you're so tough chase." I clench my jaw. "you wouldn't mind if I touched your girlfriend, would you?" that was it. I knocked him straight in the side of the head as hard as I could. he drops to the floor and I wave a security guard over. I'm not scared I'll get in trouble because  I was protecting her and he wasn't dead. after explaining the situation I'm quickly released (just go with it lol) and we get in the car. charli is still shaking and crying so I pull her into me and drag my hands through her hair as I whisper to her softly.

"it's okay baby." I reassure her lovingly. "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you. shhhh it's okay"

"chase I'm scared." she cries. my heart literally shatters because I always want her to feel safe with me.

"let's go somewhere for the night." I suggest and she looks up. "let's find a hotel and just stay the night so no one knows where you are and we can be alone." she's shaking still but nods her head lightly. I turn the key and start driving towards a small hotel further into California. she cries most of the way there but eventually calms down. I pull into the parking lot and open her door keeping her close to me as we walk inside.

"hi can we just get a room for tonight?"

"sure. just put your name and credit card information here" she smiles at me and hands us a key.

Charli pov

I don't know why this shook me up so much but I'm glad chase was there. I don't know what I would have done if I was alone. the room is warm and we put our things down. I'm so greatful for this boy. I love how protective he is of me.

"what should we do?" he asks.

"let's just lay down." I suggest and move towards the bed him climbing in beside me. he wraps his warm arms around me and presses his chest to my back. we lay like this for a while not speaking and I turn around to see if he's asleep and his eyes open at the movement pulling me into him. I lean up and kiss him softly. I missed him so much. resting my head on his chest he kisses my forehead and I drift off to sleep.

A/N sorry this was a little short and not my best work but I really like this story and these  people 🥺 any ideas for other stories I could write?

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