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First morning back at uni and Harry's sitting beside Niall in foundations of health science.

Class hadn't started yet and Niall was already yapping away about what happened over holiday. As much as Harry loves to hear Niall go on about his lovelife with Zayn and their amazing relationship. Harry was not in the mood, not today.

Harry's exhausted and downhearted. If Harry were honest he'd much rather be back in bed with his eyes closed. Unfortunately, Harry's own morals seem to kick his arse and make him be the good student he is. Preparing for exams next week and putting his education first. An expensive education he can't afford to mess up because he feels a bit blue.

Even Niall's been looking at Harry in a peculiar way throughout lecture. Which Harry doesn't appreciate at all. Hopefully afterwards he gets to leave without a million and one questions from Niall. Niall shouldn't be snooping where his nose doesn't belong, but goes about it anyway.

By the time Harry left he thought he'd wouldn't get the hell out of there fast enough. All he wants to do is go back to his dorm and take a nap. Or maybe do a puzzle or something that will get his mind off certain things. Unfortunately, Niall had other plans and yelled out for Harry just as he was about to reach for the handle. Oh no, here we go. . .

"Harry!" Niall shouted as he jogged up to where Harry was standing. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you leave that fast. Got a hot date or something?" Niall laughed. Yeah, not funny.

Harry sighed, fixing his book bag strap as it was feeling quite heavy. Also in no mood for jokes and teasing's. "No, I'm just tired, Niall," which wasn't necessarily a lie per se.

Niall crossed his arms and gave Harry one of those stern looks as if he wasn't buying it. "That's a load of bull, I mean maybe you're tired since you spend nights face down in the books. But I think something's bothering you," Nope, Harry's not even going to go into this, not right now. He's already walking out the doors knowing it was quite rude, but he just can't.

Not making it far, Niall caught back up to him again, almost slipping when he trotted over an icy patch. Thankfully Niall hadn't crashed into the other students leaving because the last thing needs to happen is more than one person falling.

"You know you can tell me what's going on, Harry," Niall mentioned, as he pulled out his phone, quickly typing something before shoving it back into his coat. "Don't pretend like I don't know because I do. You're acting a bit strange," as much as Harry feels a bit guilty for shutting Niall out as they've always told each other everything over the years. This was just... a delicate topic.

Harry didn't offer a response as he veered towards the direction of the bus stop, noticing Niall wasn't leaving his side. So Zayn isn't picking Niall up or what? Maybe he's running late, oh god Harry hopes that's it. Zayn better be on his way here to get Niall for the day or else Harry's not going to have the nice quiet evening to himself.

A few seconds pass as they grew closer towards the slightly crowded bench. Niall still was right next to him, hands shoved into his pockets, and shoulders hunched as if he were cold. Which it is and Harry thinks Niall is crazy for saying the next thing that comes out of his mouth.

"Want to just walk back to our hall instead? Could use some fresh air, you know," Great, so this is going to be an evening full of numerous questions, great. Just great.

Harry just had to bring it up because it's weird seeing Niall fall out of his usual routine all because of Harry's mopy attitude. Niall is a very loyal and dear friend to Harry, so he gets it, but usually, Zayn comes first. Like in a sense of spending time together as much as they can in a day. Then again Niall was always there when he knew Harry was down in the dumps over something, usually something along the lines of boys he liked or dated.

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