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First week of July and Harry was at some band gig in Doncaster on a Saturday night.

Bored out of his mind, he was standing in a nook all alone with a bottle of water in his hand. Waiting for Faithless Night to finish setting up so they could get on with it already. He honestly was not loving the fact that none of his mates were here or the fact that he had gotten dragged to a party. He tried to protest at first as Louis had dropped it on him the night before he came to stay with him for the weekend. However, it was Louis' first show of the summer and as much as he disliked being sweaty and irritable, this was worth it.

Seeing Louis looking so jubilant up there on the makeshift stage with his guitar strapped over his shoulder was everything. It warmed Harry's sole being to see that. But something seemed a touch off as Harry watched closely. Noticing the way Louis had given an eyeroll to Tommy and shaking his head, his smile long gone and expression more serious as he glanced down to his instrument.

Of course, Harry was curious to see what that was about, but he wasn't about to march over there. Especially because Alex had already started talking into the microphone, telling everyone to be quiet as he introduced the band. Harry tried to listen, but his eyes found Louis instead. A small smile came to his lips when he locked his eyes with Harry for a moment before looking down once again and swayed his stance backward a little.

Harry leaned against the wall as he took a sip of his drink, nodding his head along to the beat, and letting his eyes wander in the living room. It was a pretty large room but overly crowded at best. Mostly from what Harry had gathered since he had arrived. Everyone was pretty much around his age and was already drunk for the night with beers in their hand. People kissing, flirting, and nearly shagging. There were tables against the wall filled with a few snack bowls and beer bottles left open and forgotten.

In all honesty, Harry wished he was elsewhere with Louis because he'd much prefer to not be smothered and to have his ears ringing from the loudness of the amps. Wanting to just run off to Louis' car and be alone for a minute. That's all Harry would love right now, but the night only started. Also, he wasn't leaving to go home until Monday night which was nice so that gave him all Sunday to have Louis' undivided attention. Well, with the exclusion of Louis' sisters who've been determined for Louis to take them all to the cinema and then shopping tomorrow afternoon. Apparently, they wanted to spend some time with Harry even though Louis had protested at first, Jay had told Louis that it wouldn't hurt to spend time with his sisters. Earning a scowl from Louis but giving in and only agreeing to a few hours as he'd originally wanted it to be just Harry and him.

Thus, tomorrow would be a busy day and Harry didn't mind so much. He liked the girls and anytime with Louis was great. Although, Harry would love to stay longer, but he couldn't leave his mum like that again. Especially since he's gone for most of the year and she is alone, got no pets or boyfriend. So Harry felt awful especially since Gemma was nearly an hour away and visited rarely since she's so busy with her own life. He felt obligated to be at home and spend as much time as he could with his mum before he would go back to university in September.

Even though a small part of Harry had a premonition that he'd have more time at home if Louis heard something positive back from Gemma's friend. Harry wasn't about to worry about that now as he should be enjoying the music. Not bothered with his worries about Louis maybe moving hours away from him for a few months.

Harry took a deep breath as he took a sip of his water bottle before he focused on the band instead. Nodding his head along once it registered they were covering a Green Day song and watched his boyfriend strum along on his guitar.

Harry tried his best to enjoy himself as he stood there alone with his water, bobbing his head as the band played, going from song to song ranging from covers to their own songs. Now don't get Harry wrong he liked Louis' band and their music, but he wished he had at least a mate beside him to keep him company among the masses. It'd just be nice to hear Niall or Ed go on about their lives because standing in a corner alone while your boyfriend is busy it lonesome. Sure Niall could be a bit selfish when he wanted to be, but Harry enjoyed his company as he's always been such a good friend to him. Never attempted to go after any of the guys Harry liked, been there when he was upset over Louis... well sort of but the point is Harry missed Niall. He missed Ed too, he hadn't realized just how much he enjoyed having them around daily until now and it's making him feel sad. Especially watching everyone talking to one another happily, drunk, as if they were good friends for years it made Harry feel envious.

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