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It's almost one in the morning and Harry fucked up.

He knows he shouldn't have his boyfriend over this late because he had class first thing in the morning. It goes against his code of conducts as he should be sleeping instead of having Louis shoving his tongue down his throat.

Harry should have kicked Louis out two maybe three hours ago.

Actually Harry should have told Louis he had heaps of bookwork to finish up on and an essay that's sitting blank on his laptop. Which isn't a lie because he does have all that to do and Harry feels as if he's falling a bit behind on his routine.

Then again Harry's own agenda with his boyfriend seemed to override his standards at times. Which should be concerning as he came to university to learn and not mess around with a boy with countless tattoos.

Shit, Harry knows better than that, but he can't help it.

Harry's lying supine on his bed, Louis' on top of him, bodies pressed flushed together, tongues swirling around each other, and a hand in his hair. It's a lot for Harry right now as the light was off with next to no space between his and Louis' bodies. Louis' wearing almost next to nothing as usual and Harry's been aching to touch more territory.

To feel more of his boy's body other than limiting himself to his fingers pressing into Louis' back. Harry would love to just roam freely, but he's unsure if that'd be okay.

Ever since that night at his mum's, Harry has been in a constant state of worry and curiosity. Worry because he still feels quite embarrassed about coming in his pants. Curiosity because maybe he's ready to be intimate with Louis.

If Harry were honest he'd like touch Louis below the belt.

God, Harry wanted to, he thought about it for the past week now. It's been looming over his head most nights while laying in bed. He's never wanted this with his ex boyfriends before and it should be worrisome. He shouldn't be lusting after his boyfriend as they've been dating for a month and a half now.

Which is by far the longest relationship he had, but that's not the point.

Harry just doesn't understand why he so suddenly wants to get into Louis' pants.

The hand on Harry's side under his shirt makes all the hairs on his arms stand straight when he feels it sliding downward. Harry is aching for Louis to press into him, wanting that friction against his hips once again. Needing it because Louis' just laying on top of him, kissing him, and not doing anything else than slightly pulling at his hair.

It's not fair.

For fuck sakes, Harry just wants to do more than kissing.

He wants to do so much, but he's not sure how to go about it when Louis' not doing anything else other than kissing.

Harry felt the lips peel away from his and work down his neck, whimpering at the sensation, and tilting his head to the side more. Feeling as if his whole body was on a fire when Louis' hand met the waistband of his sweats, anticipating for more.

Louis' hand never moved and it's not fair. Not at all because Louis' so close to his bum and all Harry wants is to feel his warm hands slide over his arse. Shit, Harry wants to take these stupid clothes off and be in his boxers like Louis. Aching for Louis to just strip Harry down and go from there, but that never happens.

Not when Louis' sucking on Harry's neck and the hand in his hair disappears.

Harry's breath hitched when he felt the collar of his shirt being tugged down with Louis' other hand and lips latched onto his collar bones moments later.

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