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Being surrounded by revelers seem to test Harry's patience every time he's at one of Liam's parties.

Harry should be used to it by now, the illicit drugs consumed around him, the blaring music thumping throughout the house, alcohol absorbed like it was water, and people hooking up left and right. Harry should be used to it all, but he's not. He can't seem to understand what in heaven's name is so fun about these nights wasting away in a high state or intoxicated. He definitely can't relate.

The only reason he still comes to these sleazy things is because of his good old mates and, well Louis. Louis being the main factor of it all honestly because at least Harry had someone there to keep him company that doesn't treat him like yesterday's news when something better comes along. Not only that but Louis makes it all bearable for Harry.

Especially now that he's gotten dragged to them once again after avoiding them at all costs to avoid Louis. But now, Harry is sitting on one of the benches outside next to Louis who has a beer in his hand. Chit chatting with Zayn as they shared a cigarette between each other because apparently, Louis had forgotten his cigarettes back at his dorm, so he bummed off of Zayn. Who actually pried away from Niall as he had different plans for the evening.

So here Harry sat with his legs crossed, eyes shifting between the two boys as they took drags of the shared ciggy. Zayn was telling Louis and Harry that he's been thinking about his and Niall's six month anniversary that's in like a week or two as it was now early into March after all. Mentioning that he wanted to do something big and special for his boyfriend. Which Harry knows for a fact Niall will love no matter what.

Speaking of Niall, he couldn't come out to the party tonight (surprise right?) because he had went home for the weekend to see some family in Ireland. Zayn seemed to be surviving so far with accompanying Louis and Harry throughout the night. Which is fine, Harry likes Zayn, and he wasn't being completely ignored either.

"I think I may just head back to my parents tomorrow as well, haven't seen them or my sisters in days," Zayn mentioned after he took a drag of his cigarette before passing it to Louis."Maybe if I do, I could think more about this anniversary."

"I don't even know why you're sweating over a six month anniversary mate! Why not rather do something massive for the year mark, isn't that better?" Louis inquired. Harry agrees even if he's never experienced it before. Zayn and Niall have only dated for six months, yes that's a milestone or whatever, but it's nothing like a full on twelve months.And Harry has a feeling they'll still be together by then. They've haven't gotten sick of each other yet without how much they're always together and as far as Harry knows their arguments don't last very long or are intense.

Then again Zayn is a big gesture kind of guy so Harry doesn't put it past him.

Zayn let out a sigh, "Because this is important to me, you know" Zayn explained as he brought the cigarette to his lips. "Also you know why, Louis. Don't act like you don't because you do, remember what I told you the other night?" What is the reason? Harry would love to know, but clearly, Zayn isn't ready to share with Harry.

"Still Z, I think you're stressing for nothing because clearly, Niall will fucking love anything you do, right Harold?" Louis asked, eyes now on Harry as the corners of his lips quirked up slightly.

Harry wasn't sure what this was all about now that Zayn and Louis were keeping Harry on the outs of whatever it was Zayn had told Louis the other night. But he does know Niall, better than Louis, probably somewhat better than Zayn even, so this, he can answer.

"Of course! Niall adores you Zayn, seriously" and it was true. Niall is in a constant state of heart eyes and euphoria when it comes to this boy.

"See my point taken" Louis stated as finished the last of their shared cigarette before stomping it out on. "Just wear your best dress and call it good, simple as that."

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