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Harry did fall asleep and had slept most his day away.

Not that he cares because Harry knew his day would have been spent in bed after last night's event involving drunk Louis.

Harry is still in bed and it's been hours since Louis left this morning. Looked like laundry day didn't happen after all because Harry was far too fatigued to do so. More so he just wanted to get as much sleep as he could before forcing himself to stay awake for the greater part of the afternoon. Only so it wouldn't have messed up his sleeping schedule anymore that he had last night.

But the thing is it's late. It's really fucking late.

Harry, the old Harry back before all the parties, epic adventures, and all the mischief he's done that he considers rebellious would have a never slept the whole day. Not after taking care of a boy who got sick from drinking too much. Before, when Niall or Ed gotten ill from too much of a good time he'd make sure they were asleep for sometime before going to bed himself. But that was before he met Louis. Before all the madness that came along with it all.

With Louis it was different.

If you had asked Harry the night after he had met Louis for the first time if he would have cared for Louis if he was shitfaced, Harry would have scoffed and laughed at your face. He didn't like Louis at all, couldn't stand him and didn't want to have anything to do with him. But now, that's all different. He loves Louis' company, enjoys his remarks and opinions, his enthusiasm for celebrations and Harry just likes him in general. He couldn't have imagined not taking care of Louis last night because who knew what could have happened.

Thankfully everything worked out just fine even though some of the things Louis told him last night in a series of drunk confessions had confused him. No, he hadn't forgotten that Louis whispered "I like you so fucking much, love" or that he had admitted he found Harry remarkably attractive. It just wasn't expected and he's never had anyone say those things to him before, so of course, he wouldn't forget. Drunk words or not, Harry can't help but have this jumpy feeling in the pit of his stomach every time he thinks about it.

Not only that but now that he's laying here under his blankets awake, Harry can't help but think what if Louis had actually meant all that. If he liked Harry too as well, not the other Harry in his class. It kind of gives him hope that maybe he has at least a chance afterall, especially after Louis told him why he liked that boy anyway. Which still surprised Harry as Louis seemed to be not taken by someone so engaged with academics and good natured. Harry thought maybe Louis would be more into the wild partier type with interests in fornification and vices. But apparently Harry was wrong after all, Louis wasn't into that apparently when it comes to wanting to finally settle down into a relationship. Especially after shutting down the ideas of commitment for years and hooking up with whoever he saw fit. But this made Harry wonder, why this guy?

Yeah, Louis had told him that this guy is perfect and all that stuff, but why? Is he just bored of hooking up? Is it because this guy doesn't do casual sex (since Louis said he doesn't want to sleep with him)? Or is it because Louis' finally found someone he genuinely likes?

Those were answers Harry wanted to know, but it was definitely for another time.

Harry knows he should get out of bed and do something, but it's easier said than done. Especially wrapped up in his blankets and this may sound a little weird, but his blankets faintly smelled like Louis' cologne. Which Harry realized probably seemed rather strange, but whatever he likes the smell of Louis' cologne because it's quite intoxicating. Not because it reminds him of Louis, nope, not at all.

But that's not the important matter of his evening anyway now that his phone started to go off. Someone decided they had wanted to intrude on Harry's off time, but that's fine. Harry hoped this better be a good reason anyway.

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