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M-mom and d-dad told me they're hiring s-someone t-to the c-company and th-that pe-person will b-be sta-staying at my c-condo building with m-me. I-I went out of my u-unit when I saw something br-bright.

"Who told you to open the curtain?!" I s-saw a woman standing right on the window, I approached her and c-closed the curtain. Sh-she's the one that m-my parents a-are telling me.

I-I called for s-someone to b-bring her to her u-unit and I left the building.

I am P-Park J-Jimin. M-my parents did-didn't tell me wh-what's my condition but I-I hear everyone s-saying I have a-autism. I s-searched for it and I-I found out th-the symptoms o-of having autism, I-I k-know it. I- I want to act no-normal, s-speak normal. I want t-to lo-look straight t-to people b-but I- I just can't. My m-mom told me t-to just s-stay at home and th-they'll p-provide a-anything and ev-everything for m-me. I-I don't want th-them t-to tr-treat me l-like I'm u-useless. Th-that's why I-I'm working a-at the co-company, I-I am s-smarter than wh-what they th-think. I-I have 150 IQ, wh-when they found out th-that I don't want them t-to treat me l-like I'm a special p-person, they started t-to let m-me do what I want. I-I like it when m-mom and d-dad are not m-meddling with m-my life. I-It makes m-me th-think I-I'm normal and independent.

"Sir, Park Jimin sir. Your dad told you to go to work at 2 pm." The employee said, I turned to her and glared at her.

"Y-you th-think I'm stu-stupid?! Th-this building will b-be cl-closing at 8 pm, Wh-why would I wo-work f-for only 6 h-hours?!" I yelled at her.

"S-sorry sir." I ran t-to the meeting room a-and saw dad h-having a meeting w-with the employees.

"Wh-what's this?" I asked th-them.

"Son." D-dad ges-gestured everyone to go and they left u-us. "Son, you're here early." D-dad smiled at me.

"Y-you're hiding s-something from me."

"What? No, son. No, today's supposed to be your day-off."

"St-stop making me stu-stupid! Wh-why are you still d-doing this to me! I-I'm n-not a child anymore!" I sh-shouted. I- I wanted to s-speak st-straight b-but I-I can't s-so it m-makes m-me m-mad even m-more!

I-I kicked the chairs b-before leaving the room. I went back to the con-condo and ki-kicked everything I saw f-from my w-way to my unit.

"What's all this?" I turned a-around and s-saw the new em-employee.

"You d-didn't start work to-today???" I asked.


Sorry for making this to Jimin, everyone.🙏

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