Chapter 60 - Welcome Darcy

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"Someone find out if the general hospital has a maternity ward!!" My mom shouted as soon as she came into the room with Shawn.

I had been sitting on the edge of the bed while he ran to get her. The contractions were sporadic and weren't close together yet.

Bailey followed my mom and smiled at me, "You're a strong, independent woman. You've got this."

"Thanks Bailey."

"Sweetie," my mom turned to my sister. "Why don't you go find Jack."

No! She can't go with him!! Not after what I just witnessed!!!

"Mom," I held up my hand. "Don't let her go with him."

"Why not sugar?"

"Jack, he threatened me."

She stared at me for a minute before answering. "He wouldn't do something like that. You probably misread his actions."

"You don't understand! He threatened me because we kissed back when I was in his PE class at school."

"What?!" Now I had her full attention.

"Find Teddy, he recorded it." I stopped talking as another contraction hit me, this one stronger than the last.

Shawn nodded to confirm what I said. "It's true, I saw the video."

Both she and Bailey had shocked expressions. The former's turned to anger while the latter's turned to something between amusement and mischief.

"Was he a good kisser?" My sister asked.

"I'm not answering that."

"Bailey, that is inappropriate at a time like this. You need to learn when to speak and when to stay silent." Our mom glared at her.

Shawn left the room and came back a few moments later with Vivian. She nodded to my family and addressed me. "Lily, we need to start timing your contractions so we know when a good time to admit you to the hospital is."

I nodded and stood up. There was no pain between contractions, so I had no problem walking around. My mom was racking her brain, trying to figure out what to do with her boyfriend. She finally decided to bring Bailey along to the hospital and deal with him later.

A contraction hit me and I groaned through it. These were like period cramps times ten. Vivian started a timer on her phone. Once the contraction was over, she lapped the timer and we all waited for the next one.

The hospital was about 20 minutes away from our hotel, which was great. I came to a consensus with my mom and Vivian. At 7 minutes apart, they would take me to the hospital.

Shawn's phone rang and he answered it. I could only hear his side of the conversation, but he didn't sound happy. After he got off the phone, he threw the device onto the bed.

"Andrew says I have to do an interview today. And before you ask, he said I have to be there since it's regarding the album."

Another contraction hit me. I tried to talk through it as best I could, but was unable to get more than a few words out. Vivian looked at the timer and whistled. "Go Shawn. You better be back soon. She's about 8 minutes apart."

He nodded and kissed my forehead. I whimpered and looked up at him, "Promise me you'll be there. I'm scared."

"I promise I'll be by your side when our daughter is born. I would never leave you."

"I love you Shawn."

"I love you too Lily."

He gave me one last kiss and then left the room. I sighed and started packing a bag to take with me to the hospital. Since Darcy was going to be born premature, I didn't need to take any of the newborn clothes. I was so glad some fans bought preemie onesies.

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