Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


The guys and I pulled up to Lisa's house. We were picking her up to go have lunch. She just got back with her friend, also Zack's girlfriend, from New York. They went to go see a family member. 

I smiled. I missed my Lisa. My girlfriend. She is seriously the best. I couldn't be happier at the moment. I have this amazing girlfriend, the best of friends, and we are going to the Alternative Press Awards insanely soon. 

Rian, Zack, Jack, and I got out of the car and walked up to her door. I used my key to get in. We walked in. "Lisa!" I called out happily. 

The next thing I knew she left her laptop sitting on the couch and was running towards me, jumping into my arms. "Alex!" she cheered. "I've missed you! I'm sorry I left but I'm back now!" 

She jumped down and waved to the guys. "So, how was your trip?" I asked her as we walked to the living room. The guys say on the couch with us. I looked at her laptop as she put it back on her lap and typed. She searched up YouTube then typed in Iris covers in the search bar. 

The first cover that showed up was the one by Sleeping With Sirens, which was posted just a few weeks ago for Kellin Quinn's girlfriend. The second one to come up was Sorry We're Late's cover, which was also posted recently for Summer James Parker's boyfriend. Make connections. 

The third to come up was one by a blonde girl holding an acoustic guitar. I didn't have enough time to read the title before Lisa clicked on it and made it full screen so we could all see it. The video started off with the girl speaking. "Hello! I'm Hailee Dallas, lead singer of In The Shadows. You might already know that though because this was posted on our band's YouTube channel. Anyways, this is a cover of my favorite song which is called Iris. I sing it to my son every night before he goes to bed, that is when I'm not touring. I'm making this so that when I'm gone he can still listen to it. So, here goes nothing." the girl said. 

Rian paused the video and stared wide-eyed. Zack's mouth was hanging open. "Oh my fucking God!" shouted Jack. The three looked at me. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Alex, that was Hailee! OUR Hailee! Remember, like seven years ago?!" Jack screamed. Then it hit me. I face palmed. How could I forget? 

"Wait, you know her?" Lisa asked. 

Before I could answer Jack cut it. "Hell yes!" he screamed again. 

"I knew it! I remember Jack saying something about a Hailee! Wow, you guys won't believe this then." Lisa laughed. 

"What?" Zack asked. 

"Kathy and I ran into In The Shadows in New York!" Lisa explained with a smile. But her smile faded quickly when Jack asked her what happened. "Kathy had gotten Hailee's autograph. I asked her if she knew you guys."

"What did she say?" I asked her. 

"She said no. Are you guys sure this is the right Hailee?" 

We all nodded. I slid the laptop onto my lap and searched up Hailee Dallas on Wikipedia. 

It said that she was born and raised right here in Baltimore. It said that she dropped out at the age of seventeen. It said she had a son. It said her band was going to the AP Awards. It said she was best friends with lead singer Summer James Parker of Sorry We're Late. It said all this stuff, besides that she knew us. Besides that we were best friends. And besides that she lived me. 

I forgot, she loved me. But she has a child now! She could be married for all I know! Her Wikipedia page didn't say she was though. Maybe they were just dating, or engaged. 

Then I went to her Twitter. She barely tweeted. I went to the Facebook page for In The Shadows. All posts were from other members of the band. Finally, I looked at her Instagram. She posted pics daily. Usually of quotes, her band mates, or clothes. She always did love shopping. Then I saw a picture of a little blonde boy who I believe was her son. He looked just like her. The caption for the photo said "Look at my big boy, Sammie! He's turning six in only a few months. March 21st will be here in no time! <3"

My jaw hung. I couldn't believe this. She had made a name for herself and I didn't even know. I didn't know anything. I didn't even know she was going to the awards. I'm so stupid!

"Guys, we need to meet up with her again!" Jack said. 

"No! I doubt she even remembers us. And if she does I bet she doesn't want to see any of us. Besides Alex." Rian said. 

"Wait, why would she only want to see Alex?" Lisa asked slowly. 

"Because she used to be in full on love mode with Alex and Jack creeps her out." Zack said before I could open my mouth to speak. 

Lisa scoffed. "Wow, not only did that blonde lie to me but she has a stupid little crush on my boyfriend." she muttered. 

"Whoa whoa, wait! She has a child, a band, and a whole new life! I bet she could care less about me! She never even called. I bet she doesn't give one shit." I shouted. 

"Good, so them we won’t go see her." Rian said. I nodded. 

"No!" Zack and Jack both yelled.

"Why do you want to see her?! SHE left US!" 

"Because she was our best friend and I've never stopped loving her!" Jack blurted out. 

I laughed. "Dude, did you not hear me. She had a kid! She's probably with someone." 

"I don't care! I just… I want to see her!" he argued. 

I exhaled and looked at Lisa for what I guess was permission. I stared into her eyes. 

"Fine, whatever. Go see her. I won't get mad." she huffed. 

Jack and Zack cheered! Rian rolled his eyes. I spoke up. "Okay then. We will meet up with her at the AP Awards." 

"Hold on! I want get mad on one condition." Lisa said. 

"What's that?" I smirked at her. 

"I go to the awards with you." 

I nodded. "Okay, deal."

A/N: Hey! I hope you guys loved the chapter! The next one will be up soon. Comment and tell me what you thought!

Just A Friend In The Shadows of All Time Low (Alex Gaskarth)Where stories live. Discover now