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I made my way to potions class not wanting to be late. I saw Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny near the middle of the class and made my way over to them. Hermione saw me and got up smiling slightly. She hugged me as I put my stuff on their desks temporarily.

I sighed as I fell into the only empty desk there was. I sat in the back doodling on a piece of parchment as I waited for Slughorn to come in. Someone sat beside me and as soon as I saw the hair I didn't have to look to see who they were. He laid his head down on the desk as we waited. After a while, I became impatient as did other students.

" Hey 'Mione, isn't there the muggle rule that if the teacher doesn't show up in fifteen minutes we can leave?" I called across the classroom smirking to myself as everyone stared at us now.

" That is inappropriate, you will not be doing that Y/n," She said sternly. I shrugged standing up and looking at the clock then grabbed my stuff.

" Been well over fifteen minutes, I'm leaving," I said exciting the class and hearing many chairs scrape against the floor and the students followed me except for a few. I made my way to my room and said the password going in and placing my stuff on the counter. I hummed looking through the pantry's seeing what they gave us for our little kitchen. I smiled when I saw mac n' cheese and decided to make some sense it was almost lunch. I turned to the radio and turned on some music smiling as I hummed and danced along to the music. I didn't notice the blonde boy in the doorway smiling at me.

" What are you doing Granger?" Malfoy asked making me jump and almost drop the pot of boiling water.

" Fucking Hell Malfoy! You gave me a heart attack!" I said clutching my heart after putting the pot down. He chuckled slightly making me look at him but he was looking at the pot of Mac N' Cheese.

" What is it?" He asked and I handed him the pre-made box and he nodded. " Mac N' Cheese? Is it a muggle thing?" He asked and I nodded.

" Yeah, almost every muggle kid loves it, including muggle-born and half-bloods. At least I'd assume, it's really good," He nodded as I plated myself some.

" Can I try some?" He asked taking me by surprise.

" You sure? I might've poisoned it," He laughed slightly before getting himself some. We sat and ate in silence and it wasn't an awkward silence it was comfortable which surprised me. I got up washing my plate before getting some water.

" Granger," Malfoy said making me look at him. " Since we, you know, have to be wed one day and live together, I was thinking how about we start over?" He proposed and I thought about it for a moment. Just this morning he didn't want anything to do with me and now he wanted to start a new? I sighed, what other choice did I have, he was right we would have to spend our lives together.

" That'd be great Malfoy," I said smiling. He stuck out his hand as I looked at it confused.

" I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy," He said and I smiled taking his hand.

" Y/n Granger," I giggled slightly at the new introductions. I looked at the time and sighed looking to the door. " We've got to go to the life classes now Malfoy."

" Oh how fun," He said rolling his eyes making me laugh slightly.

We walked out and I was met with my sister and Ron making me smile. I took her away from Ron giggling as he and Malfoy were now walking together in awkward silence. Hermione and I walked into the class together and sat next to each other, although at a different desk. Draco sat beside me and Ron sat beside Hemione glaring at me slightly making me giggle. Ginny came in and sat behind Hermione and joined in on our conversation. I looked around seeing as the class was full the teacher setting up in front of the class meaning I couldn't use my potions tactic to get out of here. I looked beside Ginny and saw Harry wasn't there.

" Ginny where's-" I was cut off as the door opened and Harry rushed beside Ginny, no one noticed but us. " Harry, how did you get lost?" I asked giggling.

" I didn't Peeves decided to mess with me on my way here after I had to go back and get my books. I nodded understanding but not believing me. " I didn't get lost Y/n," He said annoyed. I laughed shrugging and going back to talking to Hermione and Ginny.

" Hello, class!" The young witch greeted cheerfully. I sighed knowing I was going to hate this class. I looked around the class and saw Blaise looking as bored as me. While the witch was talking I made a paper crane with a note on it and when her back was turned I blew it to Blaise.

" What did it say?" I heard Draco's voice from beside me.

I giggled as he read it glaring at me. " It said ' You look tired, you and Pansy have fun last night?'" I told him and Blaise stuffed the paper in his pocket and I laughed. I turned to see Draco looking at me shocked before he grinned.

" Didn't know you actually had it in you, Granger," he said chuckling. I laughed too shrugging.

" I'm not like my sister Malfoy, she likes rules," I looked towards her seeing she was scolded Ron for doing something making me laugh. " And well, I like breaking them." He smirked before the Professor gave us our assignment.

" Okay students, I want you all to get to know one another. If you already do just talk about whatever, focus on making bonds," She said clapping her hands together and giving us sheets of simple questions. " And no one else in the class will be able to hear your conversation." I looked at the questions and to Draco.

" Favourite colour?" I asked. He rolled his eyes taking the paper from me and scoffing at the questions. " Wait, let me guess. Is it green?" I asked and he shook his head. " Black?" Again he shook his head as a grin spread on his face at my annoyance.

" It's red," He said simply handing me the paper. " What about you?" He asked.

" Hmm, I don't actually think I have a favourite colour they're just all so pretty," I said thinking about it. He nodded and I was about to ask another question but he beat me to it.

" What's it like having muggle parents?" He asked resting his chin on his hand. I was slightly shocked at his interest in me but answered anyway.

" Weird, it's fun though since they don't know anything they're so interested in everything about this place and proud of us for getting in. They're really great and since they don't know what blood status is they don't care about who we marry, as long as they truly love us," I said and I could talk about them forever and not get tired of it. I sighed slightly at a memory from before the war really started and we were going to the Weasley's and Hermione obliviated them. It scared me thinking I'd never be able to see them again to hear they're laughs, or even mum asking if I had fancied anyone.

" They sound lovely," Draco said in an almost jealous way.

" What about you Malfoy? What's it like coming from pure-blood for centuries?" I asked and he sighed.

" Well, completely the opposite of you. My father, when he was around, always expected me to serve with him being an um," he tripped over the word and I just nodded so he continued. " He always told me to act cold and not show feelings. It wasn't the Malfoy way," He said mocking his father.

" What about you mum?" I asked and his face lightened up a bit.

" She's lovely, as soon as father was sent off we sold the manor and got a new place somewhere warmer. During the war when I had lost my wand she gave me hers, said she wanted to protect me. I know she'd do anything to protect me from harms way even in the face of death." I nodded again as he talked about his mum but his face suddenly dropped. " If father was around he'd probably kill me for getting paired with you Granger," He commented.

" Well, he isn't. Plus it wasn't your choice I mean I bet you would've chosen Parkinson over me," I laughed at the end as his face contorted in that of disgust.

" No no I'd much rather you than her, she gets on my bloody last nerve," He said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

" Malfoy, not that I want to ruin this oh so sentimental moment, but we nearly killed each other last year," I said and he nodded.

" Yes, yes well that was then and this is now. Plus you aren't that bad Granger," He said with a small smirk and I laughed, a true real laugh as I thought about it. Maybe Malfoy wasn't that bad either.

Mrs Malfoy by law~ Draco x readerWhere stories live. Discover now